Chapter 1086 Onlookers
Chapter 1100

But the strange thing is, the daughter's eyes were wide open, she was holding a small fish in each hand, her mouth was still smiling, and she didn't seem to be suffering from drowning at all. Xiao Bai seemed to be unable to exert his strength, so he hurried Swimming forward, he grabbed Xiaobai with one hand and his daughter with the other, and pulled her and Xiaobai to the surface of the water.

Rong Yue was about to go into the water, when she saw that Zhongwen had floated up, holding her daughter's small body in her hands, the daughter was still smiling, and she didn't seem to be choking on the water at all, her heart relaxed, she quickly stretched out her hand, and took the water. Guo Zhongwen's daughter.

"Wen'er, how are you? Is there something wrong?" She put her arms around her cold daughter and asked anxiously.

Wen'er smiled and raised her hand: "Mother, look, this is a small fish caught by Wen'er, can I raise it?"

Seeing that her daughter was fine, she was finally relieved, and looked at Jiao Er again. Jiao Er was pale, obviously overly frightened, but he was fine.

She asked Wen'er, "How did you fall into the water? What happened?" She knew her daughter. Although she was young, she was not a silly child who didn't know the danger. She would not hurt anything that would hurt her. will do.

Wen'er raised her head and looked around, there were many people around, but none of the woman she had seen before said: "Mother, there is an aunt who is as old as you who is aggressive against us and even pushes us into the water, mother, that aunt How fierce!"

Zhongwen had just landed, and when he heard this, he gritted his teeth angrily, and said angrily: "Pass down this king's order, immediately block all exits until the murderer who intends to murder the princess and the prince is found." He coldly glanced at the crowd of onlookers People, said: "I have wronged everyone, please tell what you just saw, find out the truth as soon as possible, and let everyone go back earlier."

Although Zheng Zhongwen's move was too domineering, no one dared to refute it. After all, he was Zheng Zhongwen, the only side-by-side king in the court, and the child of him and Princess Huguo was so honorable.

Now that such a noble existence is being murdered by others, one can imagine his anger.

A woman said: "My lord, princess, when I heard the child's cry just now, I seemed to see a woman in green go there." The woman pointed to the gravel path leading to the front yard.

Zheng Zhongwen looked sideways at Sangui and said, "Take someone to have a look."

Sangui took the order and sent someone to block all the exits of the mansion so that they could only enter and not exit.

In the front hall, Qi Rongxue hurriedly found her husband Song Mingjiang.

At this time, Song Mingjiang was having a drink with a friend, and when he saw her appearing in a hurry, he was slightly displeased: "What's wrong?"

She rolled her eyes, frowned and said, "Husband, I suddenly feel very uncomfortable and very dizzy."

Song Mingjiang was unhappy, and finally met many people who were rarely seen here, and she disturbed him before even talking a few words, how could he be happy?
But in front of so many people, it's not good to give her face too much, otherwise she will make another mess when she goes back, and she will be bored.

He got up very impatiently, and said to his friends: "My wife is sick today and needs to see a doctor. I'll take a step first. Let's make a game another day and have a good get-together."

Qi Rongxue was in a panic, clutching her husband's hand tightly, half pulling and half dragging her out of the hall.

When there was no one around, Song Mingjiang frowned and asked, "What are you going to do? What happened?" He looked at her face, it was clearly not illness, but fright.

(End of this chapter)

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