Chapter 1105 Not a Good Match
Chapter 1120

"My lord, I heard that in the past two years, the threshold of the prince's mansion has been broken by the matchmaker. There are young masters in the capital who have the honor to call them names, but they have all gone to propose marriage."

Xiaodou gently placed a bowl of porridge in front of the young master, seeing that the young master did not say a word, he said again: "I don't know if Mr. Jiao is in a hurry now, I heard that the previous matchmakers were blocked by the side-by-side king on the grounds that the princess was too late I went back, but now the princess is about to reach the age of Ji, and also reached the age of marriage, no matter what, I have to find an in-law and get engaged first."

Wan Kun's hand holding the side dishes paused, then put down his chopsticks, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Jiao is not a good match, it's impossible for the two of them."

Xiaodou often thinks like this on weekdays, but the young master never answers, and today he actually answered.

"Why? Why is Mr. Jiao not a good match for the princess?" In Xiaodou's view, Mr. Jiao is the prince of the Zhou Dynasty, and the only prince. He will be His Majesty of the Zhou Dynasty in the future, and the status of the princess is also very honorable. The young master grew up together with his childhood sweetheart, no matter how you look at it, he is a perfect match, why did the young master say that he is not a good match?
Wan Kun usually wouldn't say much about such things, but today, he suddenly wanted to.

"Zhou Jiao is the prince of the Zhou Dynasty and the future monarch. He will leave here one day and return to the Zhou Dynasty. Do you think the prince and princess are willing to let their precious daughter marry the Zhou Dynasty?"

When Xiaodou heard this, he suddenly said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of this, the princess is the prince, the princess, and even the emperor's favorite person, how could the princess marry so far away, three to five years It may not be possible to meet each other, it is definitely impossible, it seems that Young Master Jiao is really not a good match."

Xiaodou thought for a while, then sighed again: "From this point of view, there are really not many people in our capital city who are worthy of being princesses."

Wan Kun glanced at Xiaodou, feeling very upset, this kid, can't he see his master?His master is so tall, handsome, smart and wise, he is also a childhood sweetheart, and he is still in the capital, wouldn't it be a better choice?

As if sensing the call from the master's heart, Xiaodou turned to look at his young master, looked up and down, and then sighed again: "Hey——what a pity——"

Wan Kun frowned: "What a pity?"

Xiaodou said: "My lord, if you were born two years earlier, you would be able to make a pair with the princess. It's a match made in heaven. It's a pity that you were not only born two years late, but also became the princess' uncle. Your seniority is here. It seems that you It's out of luck."

Wan Kun glanced at him indifferently, did not refute his words, got up and said: "I'm full, take it down."

Xiaodou glanced at the porridge bowl that was half left: "Are you full after just eating this?"

Wan Kun walked out with a blank expression on his face, thinking that he was so full of anger from you boy, how could he still eat.

He went to the study to read for a while, and after calculating that it was almost time, he went to the South Courtyard.

South Institute
"Father, mother, you guys are really early today." Nianwen covered his mouth and yawned, and sat down next to Rongyue.

Rong Yue glanced at her, saw that her complexion was not very good, she still looked like she was still asleep, she couldn't help frowning: "What did you do last night? Why do you look like this?"

Zhong Wen felt sorry for this baby daughter the most, seeing Rong Yue frowned, he was afraid that she would reprimand her daughter, so he hurriedly said: "Wen'er must be thinking about leaving Master, feeling uncomfortable, and didn't sleep well at night, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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