Chapter 1107 Brother Jiao
Chapter 1122

Mr. Wan on the side coughed, put down the teacup in his hand, and said with a smile: "Speaking of fate, aren't we also destined?"

Jian Yun's fair cheeks were slightly red, and she turned her eyes and glanced at him: "What are you talking nonsense about? What are you always talking about when talking about children?"

"Father is right. Everything has its destiny, and it is useless to force it." The figure as tall and straight as a green bamboo in spring strode in. His eyes swept over Wen'er who was sitting next to his mother, and then fell on the side-by-side Wang He. On the body of the princess protecting the country, she bowed and saluted slightly.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "Family, there is no need to be too polite." Her soft eyes swept over Wan Kun's body, and she said with a smile: "My little brother is really different every time we meet, and he has grown a lot taller. .”

Jian Yun also took a look at his son, and sighed: "What's the use of growing up, it's not caring at all. If I can have a daughter like Wen'er, my life will really be complete."

Wan Kun raised his brows slightly, and his eyes fell on Wen'er faintly, but Wen'er looked outside the door, and a familiar figure hurriedly approached, she smiled: "Brother Jiao is here."

Rong Yue stared at her daughter helplessly: "You, how old are you, and you are so out of shape. Mother told you earlier that Jiao Er was a month older than you. You should call him brother. How can you be so anxious?" There are no rules for my younger brother Jiaodi's call."

Wen'er smiled sweetly, stood up, first pointed to Zhou Jiao who had entered the door for the first time, and then pointed to Wan Kun who stood not far in front of her, taller than her by a full head, with a proud face: "I'm not here Call him Brother Jiao, the three of us grew up together, and I am the eldest."

As soon as Zhou Jiao entered the door, he heard her pretending to be the boss again, and couldn't help laughing: "You, it's fine to call yourself the boss in front of me, and it's the same in front of the elders, and you are not afraid of being reprimanded." It's all on Wen'er's body, her eyes are gentle enough to pinch water, and her eyes are affectionate and at ease, as long as she is not blind, she can see clearly.

However, Zhong Wen pretended not to see, Rong Yue also looked away, pretending not to know, Jian Yun lowered her head to drink tea, only Mr. Wan smiled and said: "Wen'er, girl, when is she afraid of being scolded? She is used to it." .” After saying that, Zhou Jiao and Wan Kun were both seated amidst the roar of laughter.

When Zhou Jiao sat down, Zhongwen said to him: "Jiao Er, yesterday I received a letter from your father from the Zhou Dynasty, which said that his health has deteriorated in recent years, that he has become more and more powerless in the government affairs, and that various forces in the court are undercurrents. Yong Yong, he plans to send someone to welcome you back to the court next month, and canonize you as the crown prince, which will stabilize the court, and let you take over the government earlier to relieve Zhou's worries."

Zhou Jiao was taken aback for a moment, he knew this day would come, but he didn't expect it to come so soon, he wasn't ready yet.

Wen'er laughed and said, "So Brother Jiao will be King of Zhou soon?"

Zhou Jiao frowned, "Are you in such a hurry? Can't you take it easy?"

Rong Yue said: "That's what your father said in his letter. All these years, he has maintained the throne alone. He has no brothers to help him, no relatives to help him, and everything depends on him alone. Now that you are grown up, it's time to pick up the burden." Jiao Er, you were born to be a prince, and this is your responsibility."

How could Zhou Jiao not understand this? It’s just, it’s just him—he looked up at Wen’er, who was sitting next to the master, playing with her hair, his heart sank, and he got up and knelt in front of Rong Yue and Zhong Wen: “Master, My apprentice has a merciless request."

(End of this chapter)

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