Chapter 111 Hobbies
Thinking of going back to Pengcheng soon, Yin Yixuan's mood began to brighten. He got up and said to Zheng Zhongwen, "I can't accompany you to have lunch today. When I return to Beijing from Pengcheng, I'll make it up together. I'm going to pack my things first. "

Seeing Yin Yixuan's back quickly disappearing into Zhuxuan, the smile on Zheng Zhongwen's face gradually froze.

It seems that he hasn't given up on Qi Rongyue yet!

Now that he is the number one scholar in the new division, when he rides a horse and walks on the streets of Pengcheng, wearing the red flower of the number one scholar on his chest, Yixuan, who is already very handsome, will definitely attract more attention.

At that time, will Qi Rongyue be moved when he sees Yixuan?
Well, how many women can not fall in love with a man like Yixuan who is both first-class in appearance and knowledge?

"My son, what are you thinking?" Sangui couldn't help asking when he saw his son sitting in a daze.

Zheng Zhongwen turned his head to look at Sangui, and asked with a smile, "Sangui, if you were a woman, would you choose to like me or Yixuan?"

Sangui chuckled and took two steps back involuntarily: "Of course I like Mr. Yin."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "Why? Am I so unpopular?"

"My lord, it's not that you are unlikable, you are completely disliked by women!"

Zheng Zhongwen suddenly thought of some gossip in the capital city. He didn't pay attention to it before, but now that he thinks about it, he feels very troubled.

Who is so boring, secretly arranged that he likes men, has that long-yang habit, causing him to be interrogated by his parents for a long time.

"The people in the capital city are full of food and have nothing to do. They are talking nonsense!"

Sangui shrugged: "Your Majesty, you didn't find this by yourself. How can there be evil winds that come from nowhere in this world?"

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "What do you mean? Why did I ask for it? Apart from getting closer to Yixuan, I didn't talk to any man. If people in the capital suspect I have that bad habit, why do you only suspect me, but not Yixuan?"

Sangui said: "Isn't this simple? Mr. Yin has a fiancée, what about you? Do you have a family who is interested in the girl at home? The capital city is no different than other places. Living in the capital city There are so many rich and nobles, you look down on other girls, and you can't ruin the reputation of other girls casually. Naturally, you have to arrange some ugly things to cover it up. It seems that the matter of acquaintance is not rejected because the girls are not outstanding enough. , but the consequences caused by your special habit."

Zheng Zhongwen stood up from the cushion, looked at Sangui from top to bottom, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, you kid, I didn't expect to have not only a pair of torch eyes, but also an exquisite heart with seven apertures! So You can see the complicated things clearly!"

"Is it complicated?" Sangui shook his head: "I don't think it's complicated at all. Although the big guy doesn't say it on the face, he understands it in his heart, and we all think you understand it in your heart. So you really don't know, sir? "Sangui was also surprised, his family is not stupid, why can't he see through such a trivial matter?
Zheng Zhongwen shrugged: "I never thought about this kind of thing at all, I never cared about it, and naturally I didn't go into it, but after hearing what you said today, I finally understand one thing!"

Sangui hurried forward: "What do you understand?"

Zheng Zhongwen squinted at him and snorted, "I won't tell you, let's go, go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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