Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1111 Don't you like it?

Chapter 1111 Don't you like it?

Chapter 1126

"Besides, didn't I marry you at the age of 21?" Life is short, happiness is also a lifetime, depression is also a lifetime, if you can choose, why not choose to live a happy life?

Pingdehou Mansion
"Ma'am, didn't you go to the Prince's Palace yesterday? Can you see Princess Changle?" Pingde Hou Sun Lixing asked his wife beside him.

Mrs. Wu of Pingdehou raised her eyes and glanced at her husband, waved and ordered all the servants in the room to retreat, and then said to her husband: "I didn't see you, the princess sent her servants to invite her, and she all left. Arriving at the gate, I saw me sitting inside, turned around and left, I didn't even see her face, only a piece of clothes, what a rude girl, if she was not the Emperor's favorite Princess Changle, so I can't look down on girls."

Marquis Pingde squinted at her, and snorted coldly: "You don't like it? You don't even look at her identity. The eldest daughter of King Pingjian, her mother is Princess Huguo, her grandfather is Duke Yongding, and her uncle is Your Majesty, there is also Jian Yun, a master who is well-known all over the world, and a wealthy family of thousands of people as the backer. Do you not look up to? Why do you look down on? The son you gave birth to, to be honest, is worthy of it. People? Letting you go to the palace is just to find out, and I didn't have much hope."

Mrs. Pingdehou was so choked by him that she couldn't speak. She didn't want her son to marry such a woman from the bottom of her heart. With such a status, if she entered Pingdehou's mansion, she couldn't confess?Who can I show her mother-in-law's score?
Marquis Pingde looked at her expression, how could he not know what she was thinking, he immediately shook his head and hummed: "Long hair, short-sighted, short-sighted, only one-third of an acre of land can be seen in his eyes."

Mrs. Pingdehou was taunted by her husband for no reason, she felt very uncomfortable, and she just attributed all the dissatisfaction in her heart to Princess Changle.

Marquis Pingde said again: "In a few days, Princess Changle's Jiji ceremony will be held. The emperor has granted her permission to enter the palace to hold the Jiji ceremony. This is a supreme honor. We will all go when the time comes, so let's take Liu'er with us."

Mrs. Pingdehou's eyes lit up, and the gloom in her heart was swept away: "So, all the princes and ladies in Beijing will go?"

Ping Dehou nodded: "Naturally, our Liu'er is also fourteen, and he was born like this. It is a good opportunity to enter the palace this time. I heard that the only son of the Wan family will also go, so please pay attention."

Mrs. Ping Dehou frowned slightly, and said in confusion: "The only son of the Wan family? Wan Kun who was only 13 years old and became a teacher under Jian Yun's hands?"

Ping Dehou nodded: "That's him."

Mrs. Ping Dehou looked puzzled: "Pay attention to what he is doing? He is just the son of a merchant, no matter how rich his family is, so what? Can he still compare to the son of our noble family?"

Ping Dehou's complexion darkened: "You are still not convinced if you say you have no experience. Is the Wan family an ordinary merchant? Mr. Wan's business spreads all over the world, and his family's wealth is probably not even clear to him. This is all second. I heard that he still has business dealings with the emperor. The real estate business he has done in recent years has been a joint venture with the emperor. The money he puts into the treasury every year is beyond your lifetime. Will he always be a merchant? Sooner or later he will be knighted, not to mention that Jian Yun is the master of the princess who protects the country and the side-by-side king. Even the emperor will call her a master when he sees her. Is such a family worthy? Come to our Liu'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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