Chapter 1126 Wu Caixia

Chapter 1141

Before she approached, she didn't notice her feet for a moment, she stepped on a branch, and there was a crackling sound, which immediately alarmed the two people behind the bushes. The man immediately said in a deep voice, "Who is outside?"

Nian Wen was about to step forward, but just as she raised her foot, someone grabbed her arm. She turned her head and saw Wan Kun standing behind her. She made a silent gesture, pulled her and ran away.

After running for a while, Nian Wen asked, "Why are you dragging me away? They are shameless, why should I run away?"

The shouts of the guards came from a distance, threatening an assassin to break in, and asked people to split up to find it.

Wan Kun looked around and saw a rockery ahead, so he pulled her into the narrow cave behind the rockery.

Just as Nian Wen was about to speak, Wan Kun hurriedly sealed her lips with his finger: "Shhh!"

At this time, there happened to be a group of guards passing by outside, all of them looked fierce.

Nianwen's heart trembled, this feeling was so familiar, as if it had happened before.

She pulled his finger away from her lips and frowned, "What are you doing? Why am I hiding here?"

Wan Kun withdrew his gaze to the outside. The stone cave was narrow enough to accommodate two people. The two were so close that they could feel the heat from each other's breathing. Kiss her red lips.

Ever since he tasted the sweet taste of her lips, he has been thinking about this taste day and night.

He swallowed, looked away with difficulty, and said in a low voice: "The man just now is the son of General Yuexi, Hu Yuanming, and the woman who hangs out with him is Wu Caixia, the daughter of Lord Wu, the right servant of the Ministry of War. "

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows: "So what? Don't they have to be punished for making mistakes because they are more noble than ordinary people?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "That's not what I mean, I just want to tell you that this matter is extraordinary, you can tell the emperor secretly, you don't have to make things big, it's not good for anyone, especially the emperor, If people know that his harem concubine openly cuckolded him in the palace, wouldn't it be the laughing stock of the world?"

After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed as Wan Kun said, if she had just caught the rape in public and attracted the guards and maids to watch, plus those people in the Yonghe Temple today, I am afraid that the trouble will not end, and the emperor's uncle will also Will become the laughing stock of courtiers.

Fortunately, fortunately, Wan Kun stopped her in time and did not let her make a big mistake.

Seeing that her complexion was getting softer and her eyebrows and eyes became more gentle and lovely, he smiled and said, "Have you figured it out?"

She looked up at him, his handsome face was hazy in the dim light, but she could still see the faint smile on his face clearly.

It turns out that he can also laugh, and it looks pretty when he smiles. Why didn't she find out that he could laugh before?

Wen'er nodded: "I see, thank you just now, I was too reckless, I didn't think too much for a while."

He raised his hand, wanting to pinch her blushing cheeks, but felt uncomfortable, so he withdrew his hand back.

He turned his head and looked outside, but there was no one around, he said: "You can go out, after you go out, pretend that nothing happened, don't mention this in advance, after the banquet, the guests are gone, you Tell the prince and princess about this in private, they know what to do."

She hummed lightly, thinking, is this guy really only 13 years old?Why do words and deeds, even thoughts and thoughts, are too inconsistent with the age of 13 years old.

(End of this chapter)

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