Chapter 1128 Burns
Chapter 1143

When leaving the Hall of Yonghe, Wen'er's gaze involuntarily fell on the corner where Wan Kun was sitting before, the low table was empty, and he left without knowing when.

Zhou Jiao tugged at her sleeve and said in a low voice, "Wen'er, I have something to tell you."

Wen'er wanted to refuse at first, but he thought that he would leave the capital in two days, and the time to see each other was far away, or maybe they would never see each other again in this lifetime. After all, the two grew up together and had a deep friendship. Couldn't bear it, so he nodded: "Okay."

Wen'er said to Zheng Zhongwen who was walking ahead: "Daddy, I'll talk to Brother Jiao, I'll go back later, you go back first."

Zhong Wen glanced at Zhou Jiao, he understood clearly, and didn't say much, just nodded: "Alright, don't let it be too late."

After leaving the palace, the carriage of the palace galloped away, and Zhou Jiao took Nianwen to a teahouse.

The teahouse was quiet, and there were not many people at this time. The two found a corner and sat down. Before Xiao Er brought the tea, Zhou Jiao couldn't wait to ask: "Wen'er, you have stayed in this capital city for a long time. You don't want to go anywhere else?" Want to see the scenery?"

Wen'er shook her head: "This capital city is my home, my parents and younger brother are here, where can I go?"

Zhou Jiao said again: "Although that is the case, you are a girl's family after all, and you are going to marry sooner or later. Do you still want to keep the palace for the rest of your life?"

Wen'er smiled lightly: "Why not? If I don't find a husband I like, I will live in the palace for the rest of my life. I don't think my parents will drive me out."

Zhou Jiao saw that she was avoiding the important and neglecting the important, and felt a little anxious, so she stopped going around in circles and said directly: "Wen'er, you know my heart, why bother to provoke me by saying these words, Wen'er, I'm going back to Zhou the day after tomorrow. You go with me."

At this time, Xiao Er happened to come to serve tea, she remained silent, and when Xiao Er left with an empty tray, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Jiao, and said, "Brother Jiao, I have always regarded you as my younger brother. I have the same feelings for brother Zhou, how do you ask me to go with you with such family affection?"

Zhou Jiao shook his head: "No, no, you just didn't see your heart clearly. After all, after all, you are still young, you have just reached the age of [-], and it is indeed too early to talk about marriage, but don't worry, I won't force you , as long as you stay by my side, no matter how long, I will wait for you, wait for you to grow up, and wait for you to recognize your own heart."

Wen'er frowned slightly, she thought that as long as she said no, Zhou Jiao would know her intentions, and would not try to persuade her to stay, let alone force her.

But Zhou Jiao didn't seem to do what she thought, he was more persistent than she thought.

"Brother Jiao, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." She picked up the teacup and resisted the urge to walk away. The person sitting opposite him was Brother Jiao after all. Friendship is not something that can be broken.

Zhou Jiao impulsively grabbed her left hand on the table, she was startled, the teacup in her right hand shook violently, the scalding tea splashed on the back of her hand, it turned red immediately.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiao quickly loosened her left hand and rushed forward to check the burn on the back of her right hand.

She took a veil to cover the wound, and forced a smile: "It's okay, I'm fine, Brother Jiao, I may not be able to see you off the day after tomorrow, first I wish you a smooth journey, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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