Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1147 The matter was resolved under 32 strokes

Chapter 1147 The matter was resolved in two or three strokes
Chapter 1162

Lianwen didn't recognize this person, but several doctors present did recognize him.

"Isn't this Dr. Gan from Rongyu Hall? Didn't you disappear after Niudan's death? Why, how did you find it at Wu Chang's house?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was still nothing to understand when reading the text, the smile on her face became colder and colder, she said to Wu Chang: "It's a good move, but it's a pity that it hurts others and eventually hurts yourself."

Wu Chang collapsed to the ground, knowing that no matter what he said, nothing could bring him back.

"Take it down, and a retrial will be held on another day." Yin Yixuan ordered the Yamen behind him.

Leaving the autopsy room and seeing off several doctors, Nian Wen turned around and saluted Yin Yixuan: "Thank you, Mr. Yin, it turns out that Mr. Yin has already seen the inside story, Xiaosheng admires it."

Yin Yixuan smiled lightly and shook his head: "Wu Chang is not the first time to do this kind of thing. In the medical clinics in Jincheng, he used cow eggs to cheat many times, and cheated many medical clinics. It was inconvenient to report to the official, so I sent some money to send the matter away, and this made him taste the sweetness again and again, which fueled the unhealthy tendencies in his heart, and only then did today's disaster happen."

It turned out to be the case, and it suddenly dawned on me when I read the text, "I still want to thank you, my lord, for washing away my grievances in Rongyutang."

Yin Yixuan said: "I am the magistrate of Xinyang, Jincheng belongs to the boundary of Xinyang, the affairs in Jincheng are my affairs, and I shall do my best."

Looking at Yin Yixuan's warm smiling face, Nian Wen felt warm in his heart. It is really a blessing for the common people to have such a parent official in the city.

Yin Yixuan sighed, and said softly, "I never thought that Zhong Wen's daughter would grow up to be so big in the blink of an eye."

Read the text for a moment, and stared blankly at Mr. Yin in front of him: "You, sir, do you know me?"

Yin Yixuan shook his head: "Today is the first time I see you, but I know your parents very well."

Nian Wen suddenly smiled: "It turns out that you are a friend of father and mother. I am really disrespectful. I have never heard father and mother mention you."

Yin Yixuan's face was bitter, and he sighed leisurely: "Perhaps they have forgotten me long ago, that's okay, that's okay, it's best to forget the wrong things I did."

Yin Yixuan didn't intend to explain, he said with a smile: "Go back quickly, tell the good news to the guys in Rongyu Hall, to make everyone happy, I will send someone Post a notice to rectify the name of Rongyu Hall."

Nianwen was overjoyed, if he could get his name rectified by the government, it would be great, "Thank you, sir, Wen'er will leave."

He stared blankly at the slender figure leaving step by step, just like when Rong Yue turned around abruptly, she walked out of his sight step by step.

Outside the government office, Wan Kun stood behind the tree, watching the readings come out from the inside, with a relaxed smile on his face, his hanging heart finally fell.

Just now I kept thinking about how to help her out. It seemed that he was thinking too much. She didn't seem to need him to do anything for her.

"My lord, let's go back, the Princess has already gone far." Xiaodou was so tired, her eyelids were drooping, she had been on the road for the past few days, she thought she could take a good rest when she entered the city, but she was delayed again After waiting for a long time, it seems that the young master was in a hurry, but the princess settled the matter in a few clicks.

Wan Kun nodded: "Go back."

It has to be said that while he was happy for Wen'er's strong ability to handle affairs, he was also a little bit disappointed. He came to Jincheng with the purpose of protecting her, but it turned out that she didn't need her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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