Chapter 1202

Chapter 1217

Wan Kun's alchemy technique has been handed down by Jian Yun, and because of his high comprehension, he improved the alchemy technique originally created by Jian Yun, and the time he spent on alchemy can be reduced by at least half, and the quality of the elixir is even higher. Jian Yun couldn't help being amazed when she saw it.

Nianwen had also learned Wan Kun's original alchemy technique, but the result was not satisfactory, even Jian Yun and Qi Rongyue couldn't do it.

Just as Nian Wen finished eating the noodles in the bowl, he stretched himself and got up and walked to the alchemy stove. He planned to take over the work, but saw that Wan Kun had already turned off the stove and was about to take the alchemy. . .

"It's all right?" When she just went to eat noodles, she obviously only extracted the essence of various medicinal materials, and it would take a lot of time to fuse them, but this is only the time for a bowl of noodles, so it's over?

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "You don't believe me?"

Nian Wen laughed twice: "Believe it, believe it—how could I not believe you, your ability is well known."

There are ten pills in total for a batch of blood-replenishing pills, but in Yin Shuwei's current situation, he has to take at least three meals a day, three pills a day, that is to say, this batch of pills is only enough for him to eat for a day , so I have to continue practicing later.

The two sent the pill to the next door, took three pills and turned them into water, and fed them to Yin Shuwei.

Read the text to take the silver needle, and want to give Yin Shuwei the acupuncture medicine to enhance the efficacy of the elixir.

Wan Kun snatched the needle bag from her hand and said, "I'll come, you go to the next door to prepare the medicinal materials and make the second batch of pills."

The text read anxiously: "Hey - this is my patient, you have to figure it out, I am the doctor in charge of treating him, why are you giving orders to me?"

Wan Kun took it for granted, "Just because my medical skills are better than yours, is that enough reason?"

"Then why don't you just come and take over when I'm in Rongyu Hall?"

Wan Kun shrugged: "I wasn't free then, but I'm more free now."


Seeing this, Mrs. Yin at the side hurriedly persuaded, "Mr. Chu, Mr. Wan just wants to help, so just listen to him."

Reading the text was full of complaints, but seeing Mrs. Yin with a pitiful and anxious face, she finally swallowed her words, glared at Wan Kun, turned and went out.

Wan Kun nodded to Mrs. Yin, then sat down by the bed, and lifted the thin quilt. Yin Shuwei's upper body was not wearing any clothes, and the bulge on the lower abdomen was still obvious.

After he finished injecting the needles, Mrs. Yin leaned forward and asked, "Mr. Wan, does the Gu breeder have any clues?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "Not yet, if there is a clue, my people will come to the mansion to look for me."

Raising Gu is a sorcery banned by the Chu Dynasty. It has gradually disappeared from the eyes of the world hundreds of years ago, but this is not a real disappearance, but those real Gu raisers have deliberately withdrawn from people's sight and lived in seclusion in the mountains , continuing their ancestral Gu raising business.

Although they are not known to the world, and the Gu raisers do not interact with the world, but they always need some necessary things to raise Gu. As long as they are well controlled, it is not too difficult to find a real Gu raiser. The only thing they have to do now is to wait, wait for the Gu raiser to appear in their eyes.

But less than a day after the task was assigned today, it is naturally impossible to find a Gu raiser in such a short period of time.

"Ma'am, don't worry. There is no need to rush this matter. It's useless to be anxious. Let's wait calmly. As long as the Gu breeder is still raising Gu, he will definitely appear. At that time, we will see him."

(End of this chapter)

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