Chapter 1204
Chapter 1220

Yin Shuwei stretched out his hand to hold his mother's hand, and said with a smile, "I'm fine, don't cry, mother, my son won't abandon you."

"Okay, okay, with your words, mother is not afraid of anything."

This is the simplest family affection, and it is also the most touching emotion.

Read the text and said: "Okay, I have something to say later, let me see his situation first."

Mrs. Yin hurriedly stood up and backed away to make room for the reading.

She sat on the seat where Mrs. Yin was sitting before, and grabbed Yin Shuwei's wrist casually. Her pulse was still weak, but it was much better than yesterday. It seemed that the elixir had begun to work.

"How is it?" Seeing that she had put down her son's hand, Mrs. Yin asked anxiously.

Read the text and nodded: "The qi and blood have recovered, and there is no need to worry about his life for the time being. As long as the Gu worms can be expelled, I am sure to restore him to his original state."

Mrs. Yin was very happy and kept thanking Nianwen.

Nian Wen shook his head: "Don't thank me first, now I just hope that Mr. Yin can successfully bring the Gu breeder back during this trip, otherwise, no matter how superb my medical skills are, it will be useless."

Yin Shuwei frowned when he heard this: "What kind of Gu breeder? What are you talking about?"

Mrs. Yin hurriedly said: "Son, do you know who put a Gu on you?"

Yin Shuwei shook his head: "Someone planted a Gu on me?" He suddenly understood: "So the reason why I am like this now is because someone planted a Gu on me?"

Wan Kun at the other end said: "That's right, there is a Gu worm on your body that has been dormant in your body for many years and feeds on your blood essence. This Gu worm should have slept in your body at the beginning, so it has been sleeping in your body for so many years. Come on, you have been safe and sound, but for some reason recently, the Gu worm in your body suddenly awakened, and it began to devour your essence and blood in large quantities, making you feel like a serious illness, becoming increasingly haggard and thin, until you are unable to get out of bed."

Mrs. Yin said: "Fortunately, your father sent someone to invite Dr. Chu, otherwise, we still don't know what disease you have, let alone cure you."

Yin Shuwei tried his best but couldn't figure out that he would be bewitched by someone, and he didn't know it.

"Mother, you just said that Dad went to find a Gu raiser to save me?" His eyes were full of surprise, and he didn't know whether it was joy or worry. Dad also cared about him. Dad is a frail scholar, and the Gu raiser has a eccentric nature. , Dad going there, will there be any danger?

Mrs. Yin nodded, and the smile on her face became more and more gentle: "Yes, your father is very worried when he sees you like this, I can see that he is not as indifferent as on the face, he still has you as a son in his heart. "

He always thought that his father didn't like his mother, and he didn't like him either.

In order to please his father, he has been studying hard all these years, so that his father can look at him more, talk to him more, and even come to his mother's room more because he likes him.

But after so many years, his father never seemed to see his efforts, never stepped into his mother's room, let alone do anything for him.

Now that he learned that his father actually went to the village where the Gu raiser was in order to treat him, it seemed that his father really cared this time.

Jincheng is [-] miles away from Yunwu Mountain. If you drive fast, you can go back and forth for at most one and a half days. Including the time you stay in Yunwu Mountain, you can come back in three days at most. But this is the fifth day. There is no news at all, but Mrs. Yin and Yin Shuwei are very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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