Chapter 1206
Chapter 1222

After Wan Kun glared at Nianwen angrily, he jumped into the carriage, stooped into the carriage, and sat down next to her.

Nian Wen laughed twice: "Why are you here?"

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "Why did I come? If I don't come now, do I have to wait until you have an accident in that ghost mountain village before rushing to rescue you?"

Reading the text was very dissatisfied: "How did you know that I would have an accident in the mountain village? Could it be that I can't solve this problem perfectly?"

Wan Kun looked at her sideways and shook his head solemnly: "I don't think so."

After reading the text, he puffed up his cheeks and said, "Then let's make a bet."

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "What are you betting on?"

"Just bet I can figure this out on my own."

The corner of Wan Kun's lips twitched slightly: "Okay, you can gamble. Since you gamble every day, you need some prizes. Tell me, if you win, what do you want?"

Read the text and think about it hard, but I really can't think of what she needs. She never seems to have anything in particular, because everything she needs will be prepared for her in advance, and she never lacks anything.

"I don't know what I want, how about this, how about a promise? If I win, you owe me a promise, and I will use it when I need something or need you to do something for me."

Wan Kun's eyebrows lit up, and he nodded immediately, "That's a good idea. Okay, then it's a deal. If I win, you owe me a promise."

The two hooked their fingers like children and stamped their seals.

It is undeniable that Nianwen originally felt a little heavy, but after he arrived, he became much more relaxed. Even if he promised to just stay by her side, everything would be fine, and she felt extremely at ease.

When they arrived at Luoxia Mountain, it was still early, and the early summer sun was already very hot. They were hot all the way, but when they got off the carriage, they felt a gust of cool wind blowing against their faces, not only cold, but also a little bit of chill.

"This mountain wind is so gloomy." Nian Wen whispered as he glanced at the lush forest.

Wan Kun asked with a smile, "Why? Are you scared before you go up the mountain?"

Reading the text gave him a glance, and snorted, "Who is scared? I'm not afraid. The weather is hot and the mountains are cool. How wonderful."

The two attendants carried Su Hancao on their backs and followed the two masters into the mountain.

Because people live in the mountains, there are ready-made mountain roads, and gravel is paved on some slippery mountain lands, which makes the road much easier to walk.

With the ready-made road leading, it became very easy to find the mountain village. They walked all the way and finally arrived at the mountain village before sunset.

The small mountain village is built halfway up the mountain, with one room on the east and one on the west. The houses are very simple, yet they are considered chic.

A young man with a kind face came out of his home and asked them, "Who are you looking for?"

Nian Wen hurriedly cupped his hands at the young man, and asked with a smile: "Brother, we are here to find someone, I wonder if it is convenient for you to show us the way."

The young man saw that he was dressed richly, behaved elegantly, and spoke politely. He was not at all like the arrogance and conceit of the rich people in the city, so he had a better impression of him and said with a smile: "I don't know who the little brother is looking for? The people in this village, I know most of them."

Read the text and said: "That's right, one of my uncles came to this mountain to look for someone a few days ago, and he agreed to return in three days, but after many days, there was no sign of him, and we were worried. , so I searched for a way to find him, his surname is Yin, he is in his early forties, he is very handsome, he has a mustache on his chin, and he is about this tall." She gestured to the young man.

The young man snorted, "So I'm looking for Mr. Yin!"

(End of this chapter)

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