Chapter 122
"Tell me, what interesting things did you see outside Rongyu Hall?" the old lady asked.

Mr. Yin and his wife looked at each other, with worry and helplessness in their eyes.

They knew very well who the doctor in Rongyu Hall was!

Yin Yixuan took a sip of tea, although the smile on his face was still faint, but the radiance in his eyes was different from the past, he happily narrated what he heard and saw at the gate of Rongyu Hall today Once again, he spoke vividly and vividly, and the old lady was amazed: "This girl is really amazing. Not only did she learn such good medical skills at a young age, but she also has such a stable temper. It is really rare. I don't know who it is." My girl, she has been brought up so well!"

Yin Yixuan was waiting for the old lady's question, and was about to answer, but Master Yin cut off the conversation: "Yixuan, you are tired too, go and rest, I will send someone to invite you out for dinner later."

Yin Yixuan knew what his father meant, so he didn't say much, got up and went back to his yard.

After Yin Yixuan left, the old lady said dissatisfiedly, "Why didn't you let Yixuan tell?"

Master Yin sighed: "Mother, do you know who the female doctor in Rongyu Hall is?"

The old lady hummed: "If I know, do I still need to ask Yixuan?" Seeing that her son's and daughter-in-law's expressions were not quite right, she continued: "Who is it? Let's see what makes it hard for you."

Mr. Yin knows that sooner or later the old lady will know about it. Instead of learning from other people, it is better for them to tell the truth themselves, so as not to hear gossip from other places and damage the reputation of Yixuan and Qi Rongyue .

"Mother, the female doctor in Rongyu Hall is Yixuan's former fiancée, the daughter of Qi Yongchun and Mo Runiang, Qi Rongyue!"

When the old lady heard this, her face changed in shock: "What? How could it be? Didn't you tell me last time that Miss Qi's family had been expelled from the house by her father? Why did she open the door again outside? The clinic is here? How could Yixuan get involved with her?"

Master Yin hurriedly said: "Mother, don't worry, listen to me slowly!"

Lord Yin told the old lady everything she knew, and the old lady was furious when she heard it. She slapped the coffee table beside her and said angrily: "This Qi Yongchun is too insignificant. This kind of thing can be done. At first, I thought that Qi Rongyue had done some unforgivable wrong thing, which made my biological father kicked out of the house. I didn't expect him to do such a thing. What does he think of our Yixuan? What does he think of our Yin family? What does he think of Wenchanghou Mansion?"

"Mother, don't be angry. This matter has already passed. I also sent someone to inquire about it. Now it is Qi Rongyue who refuses to go back. Qi Yongchun also tried to persuade her to stay before. Of course, it was after our family expressed their views."

The old lady said: "What do people like this do when they go back? Let them be mean?" The old lady is also a sweetheart. When her son and daughter-in-law wanted to marry the Qi family, everyone opposed it, and only she supported it. , as a human being, you should know how to repay your kindness.

Madam Yin's eyes were slightly red, and she sighed: "I'm sorry for Ru Niang, Rong Yue is her only child, but I—" As a woman of the Yin family, she has too much helplessness. When the marriage contract was made, the purpose was to let Runiang's child have a worry-free life, in order to repay the great kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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