Chapter 1224 Shameless

Chapter 1240

Yin Shuwei looked sideways at the reading, and smiled lightly: "Mother asked me to ask you what you want to eat tonight, so she can prepare it in advance."

Thinking of Mrs. Yin's craftsmanship, Nian Wen's brows and eyes lit up immediately, and just as he opened his mouth, Wan Kun on the other end jumped ahead and said: "She will come back to Wanwutang with me later, so she won't eat dinner, your family Let's have a good gathering together, and we outsiders won't join in the fun." Seeing Yin Shuwei's complexion changed slightly, he went on to say: "Young Master Yin is still seriously ill, you should rest more at this time, don't burn your body, when the time comes No matter how good the medicine is, it can’t make up for it.”

Yin Shuwei said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Mr. Wan, for reminding me. I know my own body, and I can hold it well. It's not a problem."

He turned to look at Chu Wen: "Doctor Chu, since you don't want to go back to Wanwutang, you can just stay here. Everything is readily available here, so it's very convenient."

Wan Kun didn't make a sound, just stared at the reading with a pair of eyes, wanting to see what she would say.

Reading the text hehehe laughed a few times, even if she wanted to stay in her heart, but facing Wan Kun's oppressive gaze, she couldn't say anything, "I'd better go back to Wanwutang. Although it's convenient here, Wanwutang After all, I've lived here for a long time, so I'll accept the bed."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Wan Kun's mouth, thinking that you are a good girl, otherwise I will carry you back directly.

Yin Shuwei wanted to say more, but Wan Kun stopped him: "Okay, it's getting late, we should go back."

After saying that, he read the text and left, no matter how Yin Shuwei gritted his teeth behind him.

As soon as he left the government office, Nian Wen hurriedly pulled back his wrist, frowned and asked: "Why don't you let me live here? Mr. Yin's health is not stable yet, it is more convenient for me to live here to take care of you at any time, so as not to save me Wanwutang and Fuya are running at both ends, what a bother."

Wan Kun put his arms around his chest, stared coldly at her flushed little face, and said displeasedly, "Why? Is the food in Wanwutang really so bad? Or is there no one in Wanwutang who wants to see you?" who arrived?"

She frowned slightly, not understanding why Wan Kun said such words, she looked a little weird, "Are you not sick? Why are you so abnormal today?"

Wan Kun reached out to grab her wrist again, pulled her into the carriage, pushed her into the corner of the carriage as soon as he got into the carriage, and put his arms on her left and right to prevent her from escaping: "Anomaly? You provoked me first, and now you say I am abnormal?"

Read the text puzzled: "Why did I provoke you again? Can you stop spitting blood?"

Looking at her clear and harmless eyes, and her pink and full lips, he swallowed hard, and was about to back away a little, so as not to do anything uncontrollable.

But who would have thought that the carriage suddenly started to run at this moment, and just as he withdrew his hand, his body, which lost its support, threw forward uncontrollably, and his lips just pressed against hers.

The soft touch made him want to stop.

But her eyes widened even wider, and the sudden intimate contact made her mind go into chaos, and she didn't know how to react.

The dullness was only temporary, she reacted immediately, stretched out her hand and pushed him away, covered her mouth and said: "You, you are shameless."

Wan Kun misses the wonderful touch just now, but it seems that the timing is not very good, this girl has not fully accepted him, and making excessive moves will only make her disgusted.

He shrugged: "You know, I didn't do it on purpose." Maybe it was God's will. God knew his intentions and deliberately wanted to fulfill him.

(End of this chapter)

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