Chapter 1231
Chapter 1247

After lunch, she bid farewell to Yin Shuwei and Mrs. Yin and left.

As soon as he reached the gate of the government office, he saw Yin Shuwei standing outside the gate.

"How did you come out?" she asked.

Yin Shuwei smiled and said: "I'm too full, I'll go out for a walk to digest my food, and I'll take you back by the way."

Read the text and said: "No, I'm not a child, why do I need you to send me? You can go back to the courtyard for a walk, so as not to catch the wind and catch a cold."

How could Yin Shuwei agree: "I'm not as delicate as you said, and besides, it's so hot, how could I catch a cold."

Seeing that he is in good spirits after reading the text, and the government office is not far from Wanwutang, he no longer refuses: "Okay, let's send it off, it's uncomfortable to lie in the room all day, it's really good to go out for a walk more , but with your current body, you must not be tired, you have to do it in moderation, fortunately this place is not far from Wanwutang."

The two walked side by side, walking on the long street, it is undoubtedly a very eye-catching scenery, two young men of similar age, both handsome and extraordinary, wearing gorgeous clothes, it is difficult not to attract people's attention.

A steed passed by the two of them, and stopped not far away. The person on the horse turned his head and looked at the two people who were walking side by side, talking and laughing, and their complexions immediately became very ugly.

He turned his horse's head and walked towards the two of them: "It's really a wonderful leisure time."

Nian Wen was stunned, and looked up at the horse not far in front of him, as well as the familiar figure on the horse's back, that smiling face.

Yin Shuwei bowed his hands to him: "Young Master Wan."

Wan Kun didn't return the salute, his cold eyes slipped from his face to Nian Wen's body, and then he stretched out his hand to her: "Come here."

Nian Wen shook his head: "No, no, it's almost there, I'll just go back by myself."

Wan Kun's hand did not retract, but his eyes were fixed on her face.

Yin Shuwei frowned, his eyes full of displeasure: "Mr. Wan, Chu Wen has already said no, why should you force others to be difficult, let alone—" He glanced at Chu Wen beside him, but he still couldn't say the words behind him.

Wan Kun ignored Yin Shuwei and kept his eyes fixed on the reading: "Come here!" The same two words were soft just now, but now they are cold.

She frowned, very dissatisfied with his current attitude, and flattened her mouth: "I don't want it, it's not that I have no feet, I can't walk by myself?" After saying that, she strode forward, ignoring Wan Kun, and also Ignore Yin Shuwei.

Yin Shuwei hurried to catch up, and stretched out his hand to help him take the medicine box in his hand. Before his fingertips touched the medicine box, he heard the sound of horseshoes approaching. Wan Kun stretched out his long arm, grabbed Chu Wen's arm, and moved towards him. With a tug on the horse's back, Chu Wen sat in his arms in the blink of an eye. The sound of the horse's hooves went away, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust, and Yin Shuwei who was stunned.


Kyoto - Chu Palace.

"Brother, my sister agreed to what you said last time." The queen sat in the phoenix chair, with a haggard face and a thin figure. Making this decision has tortured her for a long time, and she has also made a great determination.

Shangguantuo had expected this answer a long time ago, and when he heard it with his own ears, he was still very happy in his heart. He rubbed his palms and said with a smile: "Okay, since this matter has been settled, I will go back to Dongli tomorrow and wait for the preparations." After everything is settled, I will go to Beijing, and then I will personally send my nephew to the throne of God."

Shangguan Yao is thinking about this at this time, she just doesn't want to live the life she is now, as if there is no hope forever, she is obviously the master of the harem, but in the eyes of the concubines, she is no different from them.

(End of this chapter)

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