Chapter 1237
Chapter 1253

Sun Liuliu, who had said she would not cry, began to flood with tears again. In front of her mother-in-law, she couldn't say anything bad about her husband, so she could only hold back her anger and wipe away her tears.

Mrs. Liao was also upset, but seeing her unborn grandson, she still comforted her patiently until she stopped crying and promised to take good care of her baby after she left Beijing tomorrow, and she was relieved leave.

If it wasn't for fear that she would not be able to withstand the bumps of the carriage this month, she really wanted to take her back to Dongli together, and it would be better to keep her under her nose.

Originally, she didn't have to rush back to Dongli, but when she thought of those vixens in Dongli Hou's mansion, she couldn't relax. She had been in the Hou's mansion for so long, although a few aunts gave birth to concubine daughters. , but after all there is only one son.

If she stays in the capital, those vixen will take the opportunity to make trouble, who knows if someone will give birth to a son to anger her when she returns.

After thinking about it, she still decided to go back to Dongli with Lord Hou. With her watching by her side, at least those vixens would not get their way.

Shangguan Yu'er also clamored to stay, but was forcibly taken away, this girl is the most troublesome, if not a last resort, even Shangguan Nuo and his wife would not let them stay.

The huge Shangguan Mansion, which has been bustling for several months, seems to have suddenly quieted down. Most of the servants brought over from Dongli have gone back with them. The rest are only a few trusted followers of Shangguan Nuo, and some The servant who was originally guarding in the mansion.

Su'er was able to stay with her maid, and after learning the rules for three days, she was sent to serve in the courtyard where Shangguan Nuo lived.

The stewards in the yard knew that she was the girl brought in by the prince from outside, and she was a sign of her appearance, so they speculated on the master's intentions, thinking that the purpose of the master's bringing her in was to "serve close up".

So she was assigned the job of accompanying the room at night.

The accompanying room is to live in the small compartment in the house where the master lives. When the master is thirsty in the middle of the night, he will pass tea, and when it is hot, he will stay by the bedside to fan the wind. In short, she is responsible for meeting the master's needs.

any needs.

To put it bluntly, it is a room.

It's just that before there is substantial progress, it can't be called Tongfang.

Shangguan Nuo didn't know that Su'er had come to his yard, and he took a rest after returning from the study as usual. The summer night in Kyoto was no cooler than in the south, and it was equally sultry. He tossed and turned, feeling depressed.

At this moment, a slender figure came out from the cubicle and walked slowly to the bed, holding a tray in his hand, in which was a cup of white fungus soup and a round fan.

"My lord, this servant has stewed white fungus soup for you, you can drink a little, and you will be defeated."

Shangguan Nuo frowned slightly. She opened her eyes and looked at the person who was approaching. It was Su'er. She was wearing a goose yellow double-breasted dress with a pink tube top and long skirt inside. A large piece of delicate skin from the neck to the chest was exposed, dark yellow. Under the light, it is extraordinarily seductive, especially for a normal man who is alone.

"Why are you here? Who asked you to come?" He sat up from the bed and asked in a deep voice.

Su'er was taken aback, is it strange for her to be here?Isn't this a very normal thing?

"I, the servant was sent by Nanny Song, the errand assigned by Guanshi Liu to the servant." She put the tray on the table beside her and looked timidly at Shangguan Nuo in front of her.

Shangguan Nuo didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he waved his hands and said, "Go down, we'll talk about things tomorrow."

Su'er bit her lip and did not speak, tears streaming down her face, she suddenly asked: "My lord, do you hate me?"

(End of this chapter)

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