Chapter 1270 Reunion
Chapter 1286

"Of course I'm ready, let's go, your father will come back too, and then our family will have a good meal together." Rong Yue stroked the eldest daughter of Nian Wen and said with a smile.

Read the text and nodded, holding back tears, forced a smile: "Father really hates it, knowing that I will come back today, but not waiting for me at home, do you know how much I miss him?"

Rong Yue smiled and said: "Okay, okay, with your poor-mouthed skills, I can come back earlier."

Nian Wen and Wan Kun went to Wan's house. After seeing the master and Mr. Wan, they stayed for a cup of tea and then hurried back to the side-by-side palace. The carriage of the father and daughter happened to meet outside the palace. The carriage flew into Dad's arms, and said with red eyes: "Dad, why do you look old? Is it because I'm not thinking about it?"

Zheng Zhongwen patted his daughter's back and sighed: "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? How long will it take for me to get old? Don't you get used to Wan Kun's pretty face, and now you don't like your father? "

The father and daughter entered the door arguing all the way in. The feelings between their family cannot be described in ordinary words. She can feel the strong emotions of her parents who love her and her younger brother wholeheartedly. She also knows that her attachment to her parents exceeds the surface. The weight expressed above.

This is the most sincere blood relationship in the world!


When Sun Liuliu learned that Zheng Nianwen had returned to Beijing safely, she was so angry that her liver ached. She slapped the girl angrily: "What's going on? Don't you say that the people in Qiuyetang promised you that they would definitely not let Zheng Nianwen come back alive?"

Xiaohuan knelt on the ground, her face full of grievances: "Concubine Shizi, I don't know about this matter, I don't know about this matter, the people in Qiuyetang clearly promised my servant, I don't know how they can backtrack."

Sun Liuliu pointed at the door and said angrily: "I don't know, I don't know, what else can you say besides saying you don't know? Hurry up!"

Xiaohuan was taken aback: "Go? Where?"

If it wasn't for the big belly at this time, she really wanted to get up and kick her: "Where are you going? Of course, I went to contact Qiuyelou and asked them how they did things. They took so much money from me, but they didn't do anything." Cheng? Does that make sense?"

Xiaohuan hurriedly got up and went out in a hurry.

In Mu Cangju's study room, the servant was also reporting to Shangguan Nuo. When it came to Zheng Nianwen's return to the capital, Shangguan Nuo happily overturned the brush-washing vat. After spending a lot of time on the painting, it was ruined in an instant. But once, he didn't care, he straightened his clothes and was about to go out.

The servant stopped him and said: "My lord, the princess is reuniting with the prince and princess in the palace now. It might not be appropriate for you to go now."

Shangguan Nuo thought for a while, then nodded: "That's right, it's really inappropriate to go now, so I'll go tomorrow." He looked at himself in the mirror, he was much thinner than before, but still handsome, he imagined Many times when the two met again, he didn't know what she would say in the first sentence when she saw him.

It is said that Xiaohuan came to Qiuyelou's contact point on Hening Street, met Mr. Song who had received her a lot of money back then, and promised to take care of things well.

Xiaohuan was very unhappy when she thought of the suffering she had just suffered at the concubine's place, and when she saw Hall Master Song, she immediately asked coldly: "Master Song, when you accepted my ten thousand taels of silver bill, did you remember that you promised me?" about it?" Xiaohuan stared at Director Song with unkind eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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