Chapter 129
Mrs. Yin was a little anxious, she got up, walked to Qi Rongyue and sat down, stretched out her hand to hold Qi Rongyue's cool hand: "Rongyue, I really want to recognize you as my daughter, you don't have to have any scruples, Our Yin family, and even the entire Marquis Wenchang Mansion, will treat you as my own daughter."

Qi Rongyue withdrew her hand, her smile was still calm: "I understand Madam's thoughts, but it's really inappropriate to do so, it's not appropriate for you, or even the entire Wenchang Marquis Mansion, I don't want your future regret."

In the end, she still wanted to repay her kindness. After all, she was the only daughter of her savior. Now in her eyes, she was an orphan living outside, so she naturally didn't want to sit idly by.

Qi Rongyue said again: "Ma'am, you don't have to worry about the past anymore. Back then when you and Mr. Yin promised me to marry Mr. Yin, my mother's kindness to you has already been reciprocated. Over the years, If it weren't for your marriage certificate, I might not be able to live at all, one life for another, you are worth it, and I am worth it, and the kindness of the year, let's just write it off!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, not knowing how to respond to her words for a while, what she said was so reasonable, they were speechless, but they felt that it was too reasonable, and this kind of thing, is it really just a matter of reasoning?
Qi Rongyue didn't say anything more, and quickly wrote down a prescription, handed the prescription to Mother Zhong, and said: "This is a prescription that can be used to relieve the stiffness and pain of cervical spondylosis. It can be used when you are in unbearable pain. Take a dose and massage the acupuncture points written in the prescription, the effect will be better."

After she finished speaking, she stood up, blessed the old lady and Mrs. Yin, and said: "Rong Yue will leave first!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law just watched her disappear before their eyes, and they couldn't tell what they felt in their hearts, whether it was disappointment or joy.

Not long after Qi Rongyue left, Yin Yixuan came in a hurry, and as soon as he entered the hall, he scanned around, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see, but smelled the unique medicine on that person's body in the air. fragrance.

He had already smelled it when he was in Rongyu Hall today, it was the smell of medicine, but it was not bitter medicine, but a refreshing medicine fragrance.

"Yixuan, why are you here?" the old lady asked knowingly.

Yin Yixuan said with a dry smile, "I'm here to see grandma, why, isn't grandma happy? Forget it, I'll go now." He turned around and walked out, his steps were hurried, not like a play at all.

Mrs. Yin hurriedly called him to a stop: "Yixuan, she's gone far away, you can't catch up."

Yixuan stopped in his tracks, looked back at his mother, who also looked at him, his eyes met, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something in her mother's words.

"Yixuan, sit down, Mother has something to ask you." Mrs. Yin ordered directly without giving him another chance to leave.

Yin Yixuan probably guessed what she would ask, and thought that this matter should be resolved properly, and evasion is not a good way.

Yin Yixuan sat in the seat where Qi Rongyue sat before. On the small table beside the chair was the tea cup she had drunk. On the rim of the cup, which was like white jade, there was a faint red mark of red lips, which was exactly the color of her mouth today. the color it is painted on.

It's cold in winter, and women's lip color is not very good-looking, and it is also the best time for business in rouge shops.

He looked at the porcelain cup, and the chuckle at the corner of his mouth gradually deepened: "Mother, what do you want to ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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