Chapter 1298
Chapter 1314

Shangguan Yao sneered: "Very well, it seems that the emperor doesn't know about it yet. I really want to see with my own eyes what expression the emperor will have when he finds out that his most beloved niece is about to die."

Zili had never seen Shangguan Yao like this before, and her heart felt a little chilly, she didn't dare to look at her again, and quickly lowered her eyes.

Shangguan Yao said again: "Prepare pen and ink, I want to write back to my brother."

Since she was banned by the emperor that day, she has never been out of Jingyang Palace, but she is a queen after all, although she never goes out, there are things inside and outside the palace that only she wants to know, and there is nothing she doesn't know .

It was also from that day on that she made up her mind that she wanted Zheng Nianwen to die before her parents. It would be fun for the white-haired man to give the black-haired man.

What she didn't expect was that her brother was so active, and it only took a few days to finish the matter.

After drying the letter and putting it in the bamboo tube, Shangguan Yao said: "Three days later, there will be the annual palace banquet in the palace. At that time, I will let everyone know that Zheng Nianwen, the number one beauty in Kyoto, It's gone, and there is no longer Princess Changle in this world, I want everyone to be named Princess Yongning."

Side by side with the palace
Yin Shuwei got off the carriage and knocked the copper ring on the high vermilion lacquered door.

After a while, someone opened the door. The guard at the door saw Yin Shuwei and knew that he was Mr. Yin from the Marquis of Wenchang. He bowed his hands and said, "Mr. Yin is polite."

Yin Shuwei smiled lightly: "Can you pass it on to me, I want to see your princess."

The boy looked distressed, and said: "I'm really sorry, the princess said, the palace is closed to thank guests, and no one will be seen."

Yin Shuwei was stunned, "Why? Why did you suddenly close the door to thank the guests? Did something happen?"

The servant shook his head: "Young Master Yin, please come back, we are servants, so it is not good to talk behind our backs."

Looking at the appearance of the young man, it is clear that there is something in the mansion, otherwise how could he thank the guests behind closed doors, and when he was in the Hou's mansion just now, he heard the Lord Hou mention that the side-by-side king had not gone to the court for several days, which has never happened before. thing.

Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "I have something very important to ask to see your princess, can you pass it on for me?"

The servant still shook his head: "It's no use asking to see anyone. As I said, the palace has not seen any visitors recently. Please come back, Mr. Yin. That's all I can say." Walk.

At this moment, a young man in a red and black double-breasted tunic came out in a hurry, his brows were tightly furrowed, his face was cold, and his steps were hasty, as if he was in a hurry.

He had seen such attire before, it was the attire of the palace guards.

It seems that something really happened to the palace, but now he can't even enter the door, how should he find out?I don't know how she is doing now.

three days later

The annual banquet in the palace, every year on this day, the palace will hold a banquet for officials of the fourth rank and above in Beijing and their families.

On the day before the New Year's banquet, Shangguan Yao was pardoned and grounded. She is the queen after all, and she still needs to host the New Year's banquet.

This year, Shangguan Yao's smile was brighter than in the past, and she smiled at everyone she met, which flattered many people.

Chu Tianqi's gaze swept across her coldly, without staying on her face for too long, his hands wrapped in the dragon robe were tightly clenched into fists, but his expression was as cold as ever.

He hoped that what happened in the side by side palace had nothing to do with the woman in front of him. After all, this woman gave birth to two children for him, and he didn't want those two children to have a vicious mother.

(End of this chapter)

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