Chapter 1314: Wolves in Groups
Chapter 1330

In fact, he has always been eager to go into the depths of the mountain range, and today may be a good time.

Passing through a dense forest, the three of them had already taken off their clothes and walked shirtless in the forest. They had already drank all the water they brought. They had to find a source of water and fill up their water bladders, otherwise they would not be alive. When you reach the barren mountain, you will first collapse due to lack of water.

Sweating is constantly coming out, and they need a lot of water to replenish their strength, otherwise they will collapse.

Miki is very experienced. After seeing a small dog running in the forest, he did not take out his bow and arrow, but called Zheng Zhongwen and Wan Kun to follow the small dog together. These animals are very familiar with the mountains, and they live here He knows where to look for food and where to drink water. As long as he follows this little dog, he may be able to find a source of water.

Xiaoyan seemed to have found the stalker behind him, and ran faster and faster. In order not to scare away Xiaoyan, they had to slow down and follow them from a distance, so that Xiaoyan felt that he was safe, and then he went to find him. Food.

I don't know how long they followed, the sky gradually darkened, and they began to worry in their hearts. Their throats were already dry and burning like fire, and they urgently needed cool spring water to put out the fire, but they didn't even see a shadow of the spring water. The small yard seemed to be lost , leading them around in circles in the woods.

Wan Kun said in a hoarse voice, "It seems that this small place can't find its way."

Zhongwen sighed: "We must have scared it earlier, it ran in the wrong direction and couldn't find the old way."

Miki suddenly stretched out his fingers and hissed, making them squat behind the bushes, "The mother is here, don't make a sound."

Just like human beings, if a child who goes out to play does not return home for a long time, the adults will be anxious. When anxious, they will naturally come out to look for it. The mother obviously came to find the little one to go home.

When Xiao Ling saw her mother, she happily knelt down and rubbed her body against her mother's body to express her joy.

Soon Xiao Xiao left with the mother, and the three followed quietly. After passing through a bush, a clear stream appeared in front of them. The mother took Xiao Xiao to drink water upstream, and when they saw humans, Run away in a hurry again.

They didn't care about the others, and hurriedly took out all the pots that could hold water on their bodies, filled them all to the brim, and sat by the stream to share the two roast chickens.

Miki looked at the dark sky, with a worried look on his face: "It's getting dark, it seems that I'm going to live here tonight."

The forest at night is much more terrifying than that during the day. Many ferocious beasts are used to coming out at night to look for food. The forest is too hot during the day, and only at night can there be a little coolness. They prefer to move around in a cool environment.

Zhongwen said: "Why don't we light a bonfire here to rest before it's completely dark, so as not to leave the water source, the water on our body will be gone in a while, and we have to come back at that time."

Both Sanmu and Wan Kun had no objection, and the three went separately to collect a lot of firewood. With a bonfire, the beasts in the forest would have some scruples, and they would be relatively safer.

Even so, they didn't dare all three of them to fall asleep. The three of them took turns at different times, and one of them must always be awake, vigilant about the movements around them, so as not to be attacked by a beast that jumped out suddenly and lose the opportunity to respond.

The bonfire can deter ferocious beasts, and at the same time attract the attention of some ferocious beasts, such as wolves dispatched in groups.

(End of this chapter)

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