Chapter 1319
Chapter 1335

Zhong Wen smiled lightly: "It seems that the people they are waiting for are quite unlucky."

The guy was happy, didn't say anything more, told them to rest, then turned and left.

Zhong Wen said to Wan Kun in a low voice: "Although these people didn't recognize us, Bao Buqi has already become suspicious in his heart. Be careful at night and don't be careless."

Wan Kun nodded, his eyes fell on the leather bag, and he smiled wryly: "Who would have thought that such a leather bag would become a suspicious target, if I had known it, I would not have used it."

They are not afraid of these people, they are not afraid of fighting or bloodshed, they are afraid of delaying the time to go back, they don't want things to change again.

I didn't sleep well that night, I was thinking about reading the text, and at the same time, I had to be on guard against the enemy's surprise attack. I was very tired physically and mentally, but when I thought that I had obtained the black-armored snake that could cure the reading, my fatigue was swept away again. As for Sora, he only wanted to return to Kyoto as soon as possible, sooner and sooner.

In the early morning, the two got up early and went downstairs from the guest room. Those fierce men were still guarding the hall of the post station, but they all fell asleep on the ground or tables and stools in disarray. I didn't even bother to eat breakfast. When I was leading the horse, I met a young man who came out of the hut. The young man squinted his eyes and fastened his trouser belt while walking. He glanced at the two people who were leading the horse out. After taking a step, he suddenly remembered, turned his head to look again, and saw that the two had already mounted their horses, and quickly rode away, heading for the official road to the north.

He scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong for a while, he scratched his head and went into the room, and seeing Xiao Er coming out with steamed buns, side dishes and gruel, he stepped forward and stuffed a steamed bun into his mouth , "You're not bad, I know that the uncle is hungry, so I will bring you breakfast."

Xiaoer's face was awkward, he laughed dryly, scanned the room with his eyes, and muttered: "Huh? Why is he not here?"

The young man followed his gaze and looked around: "Who is gone? Who do you want?"

Xiaoer said: "The guests who stayed in the hotel yesterday, I clearly saw them go downstairs, why did they disappear after a while?"

Thinking of the two people he saw just now, the young man immediately stopped biting the steamed buns and asked, "One old and one young?"

Xiao Er nodded: "Yes, the one who came to stay last night carried a leather bag and said he would go to the city to sell snakes in the morning."

The young man thought of the man he saw just now, the young man was indeed carrying a leather bag on his back, it was the two people he had seen last night, no wonder they felt familiar just now.

Huh——No, didn’t you say you’re going to the city to sell snakes?But they obviously went to the north, not to the direction of Nanzang city.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt strange, so he hurriedly woke up the boss.

The middle-aged fat man sat up from the table rubbing his eyes, yawned and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

The young man recounted what happened just now.

The middle-aged fat man immediately cried out: "These two people must not be selling snakes. Last night I thought, how can a villager who catches snakes use such a good leather bag to hold snakes? I'm afraid it will cost a hundred dollars. A snake can't afford a leather bag like that."

He thought of the portrait on his body, and hurriedly took it out for a closer look. The portrait only showed a person in his forties, handsome and gorgeously dressed, completely different from the person he had seen last night.

The young man beside him pointed to the sword on the portrait: "Boss, this sword, isn't this sword the one that the man held just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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