Chapter 1323 Just Come Back
Chapter 1339

Read the text and shook his head: "I'm not lucky, I was just reborn into a good family, with parents who love me and love me. Without you, I would be dead by now."

Zhong Wen continued: "Speaking of this, that boy Wan Kun is really good. He really would give up his life for you. I'm very relieved that you will marry him in the future."

Nianwen blushed, "What are you talking about, who wants to marry him?"

Zhongwen laughed: "You are still stubborn, why did we pretend to be asleep just now, because it is not easy to disturb you because of your concubine-like appearance."

"Mother, why don't you care about Dad, with this mouth, you dare to say anything, and you are not afraid of people listening, and you say that I am an old cow eating young grass." Read the text and said.

Rong Yue was amused by the father and daughter, "Don't be shy, your father and I are from here. Is there anything going on between the two of you, and we still can't tell? Don't worry, Kun'er is fine. , your father and I are very satisfied, we don’t know how to be a mandarin duck, your master has always loved you more than Kun’er, and she will definitely not object, we know what’s going on between the two of you.”

The face of reading the text became more and more red, and she simply lay down: "The more I talk, the more I will ignore you, I am sleepy, and I am going to sleep."


Wan Kun took a shower after returning home, changed into clean clothes, and immediately went to the South Courtyard where his parents lived. It's time for them to have breakfast.

When he entered the south courtyard, he saw his father practicing boxing alone, so he stepped forward and said, "Father, I'm back."

Mr. Wan was taken aback, turned around and saw his son, thought he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes quickly, and saw that his son was still there, so he believed that his son had really returned.

He rushed to Wan Kun's side, looked him up and down, "Just come back, just come back."

Mr. Wan asked again, "Did you find the black-armored snake?"

Wan Kun nodded: "I found it. I have woken up after reciting the text and taking medicine, and there is no serious problem now."

Mr. Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "The auspicious people have their own blessings, and the auspicious people have their own blessings!"

Wan Kun wants to say, this is not God's blessing, but the hope he and the prince have risked their lives for.

But he never spoke, only smiled faintly.

The father and son talked about the son's words for a while, but they didn't see their mother coming out to ask about the situation of reading the text. They couldn't help being a little surprised: "Father, mother isn't there?"

Mr. Wan nodded: "Your mother has entered the palace. She said that the emperor was ill, so she stayed to treat the illness. I haven't seen her for several days. I always feel uneasy."

Wan Kun didn't think much about it: "Maybe the emperor is seriously ill, maybe he will be back tomorrow."

Because the emperor has a special relationship with his mother, he never thinks in a bad direction. The emperor respects his mother very much, and when she is in the palace, she will definitely get very good care.

Seeing his son's haggard face, Mr. Wan felt very distressed: "Kun'er, you must have not slept well for a few days. Seeing your red eyes, hurry up and rest for a while, lest you go to the palace and look too ugly and cause trouble." After reading the text, I despise it."

Wan Kun laughed: "Okay, I'm going to sleep now." He couldn't hold back when he thought of what he said when he left the palace.

Mr. Wan was dumbfounded. How often did his son smile like this in front of him? This is even more unusual than the sun coming out from the west. If you tell Jian Yun, she will definitely not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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