Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1327 Waiting to Be the Supreme Emperor

Chapter 1327 Waiting to Be the Supreme Emperor
Chapter 1343

Shangguan Tuo's voice was raised several times, "Mo Darong'en? It's ridiculous, is our Shangguan family worse than their Chu family? Why do they have the big Chu country, and we can only live in this small Dongli? Why? ?”

Shangguan Jing had never seen such a son, his eyes were full of greed, and he trembled with anger: "Anyway, I don't agree with this matter."

Shangguan Tuo spread his hands: "It doesn't matter whether you agree or not, I have the final say on this matter, you just wait to become the Supreme Emperor."

Shangguan angrily drew the long sword that had been worn around his waist for many years, and pointed at Shangguan Tuo, "With me here today, this matter cannot be accomplished."

Shangguan Tuo had already been hard-hearted, how could he be threatened by his father's words, he snorted coldly: "Even the king of heaven, I don't want to block my way forward."

Shangguan Jing was so angry that he raised his sword and stabbed. He didn't use all his strength, but only used three parts of his strength. He just wanted to teach his son a lesson, but who knew that his son didn't have such thoughts. People, where is his son.

After all, Shangguan Jing was old. Although he was agile, he was naturally clumsy and weak in front of the younger Shangguan Tuo.

Shangguan Tuo sideways avoided Shangguan Jing's sword, and said angrily: "Old man, you are so stubborn, I said, no matter who is in my way, whoever stands in my way will die." Partial force, if this eight-point force is imprinted on a cow, the cow will be half disabled even if it is not dead, let alone an old man in his dying years.

Shangguan Jing didn't expect his son to attack him, it was unimaginable, he felt severe pain in his chest, his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, hit the wall fiercely, slipped and fell down At that moment, the back of his head hit the corner of the desk beside him hard, and blood splattered all over the place.

Shangguan Jing wailed, and then fell silent again. Shangguan Tuo frowned, hesitated for a moment, and went to check his father's injuries, but found that his father had passed away, and his heart was even more depressed. die.

Shangguan Nuo who was outside was covering his mouth tightly, his eyes kept spilling out. He knew that his grandfather must have been murdered by his father, and he was probably dead now. . .

He couldn't believe it was true, but he had to believe it.

That's grandfather, how could father do it?

What if you speak out against it yourself?Will he kill his son like he killed his grandfather?

Yes, I will.

Although there is only one eldest son in Xian Guanghou's mansion, Xian Guanghou has more than one son, he has many sons, if he dies, other sons will immediately fill his vacancy.

No, he can't die, Wen'er is still alive and dead at this time, so he must not die.

He wiped away his tears, turned and walked away.


Seeing his father getting dressed and going out, Wan Kun hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Father, where are you going?"

Mr. Wan frowned and said: "Your mother has been in the palace for half a month, and she hasn't returned yet. I am really worried. There is a batch of goods that will be sent to the palace today. I will go and have a look."

Wan Kun nodded: "That's fine, let's go and have a look, or I'll go with you."

Mr. Wan shook his head: "No need, aren't you going to read the text today? You just go to your business, I will be back in the evening at the latest, and we will have dinner together then."

Wan Kun responded, watched his father leave the house, and went to the Palace of the Prince and Shoulder himself.

Lianwen is getting better day by day, except that the body is still weak, the toxins have been completely eliminated, as long as it takes some time to nourish it, it will be back to its original state.

(End of this chapter)

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