Chapter 1336 You Betrayed Him

Chapter 1352

When Rong Yue heard this, she raised her hand and slapped her across the face. A crisp sound resounded in the carriage, and a burning pain spread on her cheek.

"Shangguan Yao, if you die, what will happen to your son and your daughter? Have you thought about it?"

Shangguan Yao was woken up by her slap, and the acceptable faces of her son and daughter appeared in front of her eyes, it was her fate, they were still so young, what would they do without her?How scared should I be?
Qi Rongyue said: "As a mother, how can you be willing?"

Shangguan Yao raised her head, with tears in her eyes: "You are also the mother of the child, and I am also the mother of the child. In this world, there is no mother who does not love her child. I do these things for the good of my child. I thought I did it for their own good."

Seeing her regretful expression, Qi Rongyue couldn't decide whether she was sincere or not, so she asked, "Tell me, what exactly did you do to Tianqi? What happened to my master and Mr. Wan?"

Shangguan Yao is now heartbroken, she knows that she can no longer hide it, and she doesn't want to hide it anymore: "As you think, the emperor in the palace is not the real emperor. The emperor was poisoned by cartilage powder and imprisoned in my palace. In the chamber of secrets."

She looked up at Qi Rongyue, and her voice became a little excited: "I didn't hurt him, I really didn't, he is my husband after all, I just, just restricted his freedom, as long as my son becomes emperor, I will Will let him go, he will be the Supreme Emperor, I will be the Empress Dowager, there are no other beauties in the harem, only me and him, growing old together, I really never thought of hurting him."

"But what you are doing now is tantamount to hurting him. You are his wife and the mother of his child, but you have betrayed him and even the country."

"What about my master and Mr. Wan?"

Shangguan Yao said: "That day when Jian Yun entered the palace, she said she wanted to see a doctor for the emperor. You also know that Jian Yun has a token that can enter and leave the forbidden palace at will, and you also have it. After she entered the palace, she went directly to the imperial study. I got the news It's already half an hour later."

"When I arrived at the imperial study room, Jian Yun had already found out that the emperor had been dropped. She had a quick temper, as you know, and immediately fought fiercely with the guards in the palace. After some injuries, he was captured."

Rong Yue felt extremely distressed, and asked tremblingly, "How is she now?"

Shangguan Yao shook her head: "I don't know, I ordered her to be imprisoned in the sky prison, and then I didn't care anymore, and Mr. Wan was also imprisoned in the sky prison."

"How many of you are there in the palace?" she asked.

Shangguan Yao shook her head again: "I don't know, I just know that there are many. Three months ago, the palace began to change blood. The head of the Habayashi guard belongs to my brother. He secretly replaced all the guards in the palace with Among our own people, there are only a few gatekeepers who have not been replaced, and it is only a matter of time, before long, the entire palace will be Shangguan's family."

"How many people in the court know about this?"

Shangguan Yao shook her head: "I don't know about this, there should be quite a few, most of them are ministers who have not been valued by the emperor these years, and have suffered under the hands of your Zheng family."

Qi Rongyue's heart seemed to be bleeding, how many years has it been in this peaceful and prosperous world?She thought that after Chu Lian, the same tragedy would never happen again, but she never expected that such a tragedy would happen again in less than 20 years.

(End of this chapter)

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