Chapter 1342
Chapter 1358

Luo Ji's eyes swept over her slender white wrist, which was wearing a string of sapphire beads. At first glance, the sapphire beads were very ordinary, but if you looked closely, you would find that this bead string was extraordinary.

Each sapphire bead is engraved with dark lines, and the patterns engraved on each are different, so you can't see it unless you look carefully.

Luo Ji is very familiar with this string of beads, this is a gift she personally gave to Qi Rongyue Bai, thanking her for curing her mother's illness, even though her mother is gone now, she will always remember Qi Rongyue's kindness to her.

Luo Ji clasped Nianwen's hand, pulled her hand in front of her for a closer look, and confirmed that the bead string was what she gave to Qi Rongyue back then.

"Where did this come from?" She raised her eyes and asked Nianwen.

Nian Wen hurriedly withdrew his hand, frowned and said, "My mother gave it to me, have you seen it?"

Luo Ji suddenly laughed, no wonder she looks so similar to Qi Rongyue, it turned out to be her daughter, that naughty little girl back then.

Luo Ji said to Aunt Wu: "Go down first, I'll talk to Miss Xu."

Aunt Wu hurriedly retreated in response, Luo Ji got up and closed the door, and then said to the text: "Your surname should not be Xu, but Zheng!"

Wan Kun's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Luo Ji waved her hand: "You don't need to panic, I'm not a bad person, since you changed your name and surname to stay overnight, it seems that you have encountered a difficult problem, don't worry, I will help you."

For some reason, even though it was only the first time they met, Ke Nianwen was willing to believe her and every word she said.

"Thank you, it seems that you know my mother."

Luo Ji nodded: "It's not just acquaintance, your mother and I have a deep relationship. The bead string in your hand is a thank you gift from me to your mother. I didn't expect that after so many years, I would still have the opportunity to see it." .”

The three sat back at the table, Luo Ji asked: "What happened? Why did you hide your name?"

Read the text and said: "Miss Luo, this matter is of great importance, you'd better not know, so as not to cause trouble for you."

Luo Ji sighed: "You girl, your temper is exactly like your mother's. If you don't say it, don't say it. My ability is limited. Even if you tell me, I can't help you. Sister Rongyue is not an ordinary person. I I believe there is nothing she cannot do in this world, and no one can pose a threat to her."

Nian Wen lowered his eyes, "I hope, I hope so."

Chu Palace
After Shangguan Yao was rescued and returned to the palace, the imperial physician immediately announced the diagnosis and treatment. Apart from some minor trauma, she was fine.

Zhu'er's ginseng soup was delivered to Shangguan Yao: "Your Majesty, please calm down first. This servant just got the news that the three members of Wang's family were side by side, and they all fell off the cliff with their car. They must have been smashed to pieces." Zhu'er's face was concealed. She couldn't help but smile, she was always clever, but she didn't notice anything wrong with her master at this time.

When Shangguan Yao heard the word shattered body, her body was shaken suddenly, and she looked up at Zhu'er: "Did you see their corpses?"

Zhu'er shook her head: "Not really, but the emperor has sent someone to look for it, and I believe it will be found."

Shangguan Yao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the body was not found, maybe there is still a possibility of survival.

Before being awakened by Qi Rongyue, she hated Qi Rongyue to the bone and wished she could kill her with her own hands, but now that she wakes up from the dream, she realizes how ridiculous her hatred is. Qi Rongyue has never done anything to hurt her. On the contrary, in front of the emperor, she often praised her, and even persuaded the emperor to come to her palace many times, otherwise, how could she have given birth to two children one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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