Chapter 1346 To Jincheng

Chapter 1362

Wan Kun looked at the haggard-faced reading text in front of him, and thought about what would happen if she heard the news that the princess and the prince had fallen off the cliff?

He suddenly held Nian Wen's hand and said anxiously, "Wen'er, I suddenly thought of something."

Nian Wen asked, "What's the matter?"

Wan Kun said: "Now we are alone and weak. With our strength alone, we can't even enter the imperial palace."

Read the text and nodded: "That's right, the imperial palace must be under martial law now, and my token to enter and exit the forbidden palace is useless, and it is even more impossible to force my way in." She raised her eyes and looked at Wan Kun: "What is your idea? ? Come and listen."

Wan Kun hurriedly said: "I'll stay here, you go to Jincheng, to find King Jin, he has a very close relationship with your parents, and is my mother's direct disciple, if he knows the truth, he will definitely not just sit idly by. "

Nianwen frowned: "You mean, let me go to Jincheng alone to ask for help?"

Wan Kun nodded: "Yes, you go to Jincheng, I will stay here and watch. If there is any change, I will find someone to send you a message."

Read the text with some doubts: "You don't mean to distract me on purpose, do you want to do something alone?"

Wan Kun quickly shook his head: "Of course not. When have I lied to you? Besides, what can I do now that I'm alone? Stop thinking about it."

The heart of reading the text is always worried, but there is no other way at the moment, it is better to find reinforcements than the two of them alone.

"Wan Kun, after I leave, you can go to Chengfang Camp to find General Fu Hu, maybe you can get his help." Nian Wen said.

Wan Kun nodded, how could he say that, General Fu Hu had been forced to hand over the military talisman, and his family distributed it to the frontier.

In Kyoto, they were left alone.

The next day, after Nianwen dressed up in disguise, he boarded the dilapidated carriage to Jincheng, while Wan Kun planned to spy on the Forbidden Palace that night.

It's been a long time since his father and mother were trapped in the forbidden palace, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Although he knew that it was inconvenient to act rashly at this time, he couldn't do nothing.

At least check it out, as long as you know they're still alive.

That night, a ghostly figure swept into the Forbidden Palace. There were guards patrolling everywhere in the palace. One left first, and he found a hiding place for convenience. After putting on his pants, he was suddenly hit on the back of the neck and passed out.

After a while, Wan Kun changed into his eunuch's clothes, gave him seven days' drunkenness, and slept for seven days, to ensure that nothing would happen to him.

He had been to the palace more than once, so he was not very familiar with him, but he knew his way well, and he knew who lived in which place.

If the parents are still alive, it is definitely impossible to be locked up in the palace to enjoy preferential treatment. The most likely place is the sky prison.

He has never been to the Heavenly Prison, so he doesn't know where the Heavenly Prison is. The palace is very vast, if he searches for it aimlessly, he may not be able to find it even if he finds it at dawn.

He saw a single eunuch, and pushed him to a dark corner, forcing him to tell the location of the sky prison. Coincidentally, this eunuch was from the queen's palace, and was ordered to deliver meals to the prisoners in the sky prison.

Wan Kun felt slightly happy, and immediately stuffed a pill into the eunuch's mouth.

"You, what did you give me?" The eunuch scratched his mouth and throat in horror, but the pill had already been swallowed and he couldn't spit it out.

"What did you eat? Of course it's poison." He smiled lightly, and his calm appearance made people even more terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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