Chapter 1354 Hasn't changed at all
Chapter 1370

Shangguan Nuoru was stuck in his throat and couldn't say a word. In fact, the queen was also deceived by her father. The father said that it was for the little prince's benefit. In fact, he wanted to be the emperor himself. I really don't know that when the queen knew the truth, What kind of situation will it be.

"I want to enter the palace, I want to settle accounts with Shangguan Yao, even if I try to die, I will never let her go."

Shangguan Nuo said urgently: "Zheng Nianwen, calm down, if you enter the palace now, it is tantamount to your death. The queen will not let you go, and neither will my father."

She raised her eyes to look at him, with tears rolling down her bloodshot eyes, "Then I'll stay here? Watching the enemy go unpunished while I live on my own terms?"

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "No, of course not, I know how you feel now, I hate them as much as you do, but this is not a good time, don't forget, you have other relatives who are suffering in the palace, waiting You go to rescue, your master is seriously injured and is dying in the dungeon, Wan Kun is also unknown, you must calm down now, otherwise, with your impulsiveness, everything will be over."

Zheng Nianwen doesn't believe anyone now, especially the Shangguan family, "Shangguan Nuo, you haven't told me yet, why did you help me? You just said that you also hate them, so what do you mean?"

Shangguan Nuo let go of the hands clasping her shoulders, and his eyes became more and more sad, "When I was in Dongli, I heard my grandfather persuade my father not to rebel, but instead of listening, he killed my grandfather himself. I hate him, I hate him." You can’t kill him yourself to avenge your grandfather.”

He learned martial arts from his grandfather since he was a child. His grandfather was the elder he loved and respected the most, but he died tragically at the hands of his father in front of his eyes. No one can understand the pain.


It is said that after Zheng Nianwen was captured, Min Hengzhi desperately rushed forward to rescue him, but instead put himself in a dangerous place, with several swords in his body, but fortunately he did not hurt his vitals. The soldiers stopped their hands, and as the sound of the piano increased, illusions appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Everyone seemed to have fallen into a magic realm, dancing their feet on the ground and losing their minds.

Luo Ji stopped playing the piano, quickly rushed to the army, pulled away Min Hengzhi who had lost his mind, and fled in a hurry.

Back on Zhuangzi, she fed him refreshing soup, and Min Hengzhi finally woke up.

For more than ten years, Luo Ji has re-arranged the magic sound that she learned in the past, and the power is even more powerful than before. She never thought that there would be a day when it would be useful in this life.

Min Hengzhi walked out of the dream, and saw the woman in front of him, with an unfamiliar face, but a pair of eyes that he was very familiar with.

"Tianyu? Is Tianyu you?" He rushed forward and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly, as if as soon as he let go, she would disappear again.

He didn't know whether it was a dream or reality, he couldn't tell, and he didn't want to tell.

Luo Ji's face turned red, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from his hand, so she could only shout: "Prince Jin, I'm not Yu'er, I'm Luo Ji, let go quickly."

Min Hengzhi stared at Luo Ji in front of him. She had the same pair of eyes as Tian Yu, but her eyes were not the same at all.

She is not Tianyu, no.

He let go of his hand, apologetic in his eyes: "Sorry, I lost my temper."

Luo Ji smiled lightly: "Prince Jin is still the same as before, nothing has changed."

(End of this chapter)

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