Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1356 Sinking to the lotus pond in the apse

Chapter 1356 Sinking to the lotus pond in the apse
Chapter 1372

Chu Palace, Zhaoyuan Palace.

Zhu'er hurried in, bowed her head and whispered in Shangguan Yao's ear: "Madam, Lord Hou has sent a message that he can get the Wan family's property by himself, Wan Kun is such a stubborn kid, there is no need to keep him Life, just kill him, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Shangguan Yao frowned slightly, and then said: "That's fine, I'm bored too, so, you go and bring him here, and I'll ask him one last time, if you keep talking hard, I'll sink him into the lotus pond in the back hall. "

Pearl nodded and hurried away.

Shangguan Yao went into the inner hall, and when Zhu'er brought her out, she had already come out of the inner hall and sat on the seat just now, as if she had never moved.

Wan Kun had suffered a lot these days. The black clothes were soaked in blood, and the cloth was stuck to the wound, dry and wet. Every time he moved, the cloth pulled the wound. He never even frowned.

"Wan Kun, I want to ask you, how much property did your father hand over to you?"

Wan Kun glanced at her coldly and remained silent.

With an angry expression on her face, she slowly stood up from the chair and walked towards him step by step, "I advise you not to be stubborn, this money is something outside of your body, what's wrong with exchanging your life with these things outside of your body?"

Wan Kun snorted coldly: "Since the thing outside the sun is as noble as the empress, why do you insist on it? You don't have to say more, just kill if you want. I, Wan Kun, are definitely not cowards. After 18 years, another one He is a good man." As he spoke, his eyes casually glanced at the people in the hall, calculating in his heart how much chance he would have if he fought hard.

Shangguan Yao's figure stopped beside him, looking up at the man in front of her slightly, "You have a good backbone, but it's a pity that you used the wrong place, and you are still so stubborn at this time, what do you think this palace is Zhaoyuan Hall? Is it for fun?"

She suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar, and said viciously: "Wan Kun, do you know why I spared your life?"

"Because as long as you are alive, Zheng Nianwen may come to rescue you, and I can catch him with my own hands."

Seeing Wan Kun's complexion changed slightly, she said again: "But today, the army brought by Zheng Nianwen was intercepted outside the city gate. Although she escaped temporarily, I believe that she will be sent to my palace soon. In front of him, so it's useless to keep you."

She let go, turned around, walked back to the chair and sat down, said coldly: "Come on, put a sack on him and sink him into the lotus pond in the back hall."

Immediately, two strong maids came forward and dragged him away.

Pearl asked: "Why don't you just kill him with a knife?"

Shangguan Yao said: "Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill him with one knife? Let him sink into the pond and die slowly. The corpse can feed the fish in the pond, and it won't pollute the place of my palace. How nice it is."

Zhu'er nodded, as long as Wan Kun dies, she can turn to Lord Hou, who cares how he dies, it doesn't matter.

With a loud bang, a sealed big sack was thrown into the lotus pond in the apse of Zhaoyuan Hall.

Stones were placed in the sack, and cold water poured into the bag quickly. He felt his body sinking continuously, and the rope that bound his hands was quickly torn off by him. He reached out and touched his arms. Secretly stuffed something into his arms, including a dagger and a jade tube.

His body had sunk to the bottom of the water, and he quickly cut open the sack and the stones tied to his body with a dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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