Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1369 I will be by your side unconditionally

Chapter 1369 I will be by your side unconditionally

Chapter 1385

"Get it back? You are ridiculous. He is the father and you are the son. He won the throne, and he will pass it on to you in the future. Why are you pretending to be righteous in front of me?"

Nianwen's disdain and sarcasm hurt Shangguan Nuo, "Zheng Nianwen, in your eyes, this is the kind of person I am, Shangguan Nuo? If I were on the same boat as my father, would you still be able to stay here properly now? If I wanted to hide something from you, why should I tell you what I just said? Even if you enter the palace, you may not be able to find out, why should I tell you this?"

"I just, just don't want to deceive you. You have the right to know the truth. I want you to understand that no matter what happens, I will be by your side unconditionally and stand in front of you. I will never let those wicked people hurt you .”

The sarcasm in Nian Wen's eyes gradually dissipated. He focused on Shangguan Nuo's eyes and asked word by word: "If your father knows about my existence and asks you to hand me over, what will you do?"

Shangguan Nuo said: "Unless I die, it is absolutely impossible."

"In this case, I would like to ask you to do me a favor." Hope was rekindled in her heart. If Shangguan Nuo in front of her was willing to help her, she might really be able to sneak into the palace and have a chance to save her master and uncle. .

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"You can definitely do it. You are the son of Shangguan Tuo, and the entire palace is in the hands of your Shangguan family. It shouldn't be difficult for you to enter the palace."

Shangguan promised: "Father will enter the palace tomorrow, and the fake emperor will hold a banquet in the palace to welcome his father. I will go too. What is it? What do you want to do?"

Read the text: "Take me there, I can dress up as your follower."

Seeing Shangguan Nuo's troubled expression, she hurriedly said: "Don't worry, as soon as I enter the palace, I will separate from you. Even if I am caught, I will never confess you."

Shangguan Nuo said: "I'm not afraid of this, most of the people in the palace are now inserted by my father, even if you sneak into the palace, it won't help, but all the important places are guarded by masters, you don't know Have the opportunity."

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own ideas, you just need to take me in." She stared closely at Shangguan Nuo's eyes, her hands kept twisting the hem of her clothes, her expression nervous.

Such a request, such a reading, even if he wanted to refuse, he couldn't say it.

"Okay, I promise you, but you also have to promise me that when you enter the palace to investigate, you must be inspectors. You must not reveal your identity, and you will come back as you go. You must not risk yourself."

In order to enter the palace now, Nianwen will naturally agree to any conditions, and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Although her heart ached a lot when she thought of Wan Kun and her parents, she also had a faint premonition that maybe they were not dead at all, or maybe it was just a rumor, hopefully it was a rumor.

"I'm going to enter the palace with my father tomorrow morning. I'm afraid I won't be here in time to pick you up, let alone put you in the car on the way. If my father's people see her, they will definitely conceive." Shangguan promised.

Nianwen frowned: "Then what should I do?"

"Why don't you come back to the mansion with me now, stay in the Shangguan mansion tonight, and come into the palace with me as my entourage tomorrow, so naturally no one will doubt it."

Nianwen's eyes light up, go to the government?Shangguantuo should be in the Shangguan mansion now, if he finds an opportunity and kills him, won't everything be over?

(End of this chapter)

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