Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1372 I Can't Understand

Chapter 1372 I Can't Understand
Chapter 1388

So even if she lied, she might not know it.

Looking at these eyes, Sun Liuliu was stunned. An inexplicable sense of familiarity made her feel a little uncomfortable. She frowned. She must have never seen this person before, but these eyes looked like someone.

She still wanted to ask a few more questions and look more clearly, but the boy in front of her had already lowered her eyes, and Shangguan Nuo, who was dragged by her mother to give a lecture on the other side, saw Sun Liuliu's eyes looking at the reading text, secretly thought it was not good, and immediately said: " Xiaoguan, I'm hungry, you go to the kitchen and help me prepare something to eat."

Read the text and nodded, and was about to leave, but didn't know where to go, but Shangguan Nuo said again: "Wu'er, you go together, don't stand here and watch my jokes." Shangguan Nuo turned to the young man standing on the other side road.

The boy said yes, turned around and walked in, and Nian Wen hurriedly followed and disappeared quickly.

Liao said dissatisfied: "What time is it? Why haven't you eaten yet?"

Shangguan Nuo smiled wryly: "Isn't this busy, mother, I can handle my affairs by myself, please go back."

Seeing that there was no one else in the courtyard except for the two maids brought by Sun Liuliu, Liao thought that now that he was gone, maybe he could really talk to Sun Liuliu, or at least tease the children.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. This person is talkative when he's old, and he's annoying."

Mrs. Liao stepped forward to look at her grandson again, seeing his cute appearance, she liked it from the bottom of her heart, "Grandma is gone, you can play with your parents." Mrs. Liao looked back at Sun Liuliu, and gestured at her With a wink, she signaled her to take the initiative and not just sit still.

After receiving Sun Liuliu's response, Liao finally left Mu Cangju with peace of mind.

As soon as Mrs. Liao left, Sun Liuliu got up immediately, took the child from the nanny's arms, and carried it in front of Shangguan Nuo: "My lord, the child is three months old and will soon be full, but he doesn't even have a name. "

Shangguan Nuo frowned, last time she stopped him in the garden and talked about it again, but today she used it again as an excuse, "I told you last time, you can do it yourself when it comes to naming the child. Everything about this child is up to you, and you know better than anyone how this child came to be, so I don’t need to repeat it again, right?”

Sun Liuliu's face became very embarrassed, she lowered her eyes, tears streaming down her face: "I don't know what you are talking about, how did this child come about, could it be that I gave birth alone? Isn't he surnamed Shangguan? He is your own son, are you really so cruel?"

Shangguan Nuo sneered, staring at the seemingly delicate face in front of him: "I'm cruel? No matter how wronged my heart is, you, Sun Liuliu, on the water, you know what you have done yourself. I have already said that if you insist on If you insist on marrying into Shangguan's family, then what I, Shangguan, promises to give you is only one concubine, other things, you should save yourself and don't expect anything more."

Sun Liuliu stopped her tears and raised her eyes to look at the tall man in front of her. He was as handsome and unrestrained as before, and treated her as indifferently and alienated as before. No, it was not only indifference and alienation, but also disgust, deep disgust .

The nanny stepped forward to take away the crying child in Sun Liuliu's arms, and quietly retreated with the two maids. In the huge yard, they were the only ones left.

"My son, what did you mean by that just now? I don't understand." What did she do wrong that made him so disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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