Chapter 1378
Chapter 1394

Shangguan Nuo was very polite to Cui Guanshi on weekdays, and Cui Guanshi had watched Shangguan Nuo grow up and knew his temper. He looked like this, and he was obviously really angry.

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with this Su'er.

Seeing the anger on Shangguan Nuo's face, Su'er quickly knelt down on the ground, tears rolling down again: "My lord, this servant didn't intend to disturb your lord, it's really - it's really -" She bit her lip, pretending to be embarrassed look like.

Cui Guanshi didn't care if she was really embarrassed or fake, he just wanted to deal with this matter quickly so as not to disturb Lord Hou, he took the conversation and said: "That's right, just now Miss Su'er said that she was killed by a girl in the garden. The man named Xiaoguan is frivolous, and this Xiaoguan is a member of Mu Cangju, so I brought her here to ask her clearly, you can’t wrong a good person, but you can’t let a wicked person go, don’t you think so?”

Shangguan Nuo ignored Cui Guanshi, only half-closed his eyes and looked at Su'er who was kneeling in front of him, and asked, "You said her name is Xiaoguan?"

Su Er nodded.

Shangguan Nuo asked again: "Who told you his name is Xiaoguan?"

Su'er was taken aback for a moment, and immediately knew that she had said something wrong, and Shi Zi grabbed the conversation.

Only the prince said again: "Xiaoguan just came to the mansion today, the first day I was on duty by my side, there are only a few people who know her name, how do you know?"

He stared at Su Yao whose complexion was gradually turning pale, and his voice became more and more cold: "Speak, who told you?"

Thinking of someone's warning, Su'er was frightened and could only shake her head desperately: "No, no one told me, it was Xiao Guan, Xiao Guan said it himself, I have never seen him before."

Shangguan Nuo said: "Xiao Guan has been serving the pen and ink in my room and has never left. Why, he still has the ability to clone himself? Who do you want to play this play for?"

Su'er said urgently: "No, no, this servant did not lie, what this servant said is true, it is really Xiao Guan who tricked me into—"

"Enough--" Shangguan Nuo interrupted her angrily: "Do you still want to make it up? Even if you don't tell me, I know who is behind your back. You go back and tell her to save her some time." There is a limit to my patience for this kind of crooked thinking, don't think that having a son is so great, my Shangguan Nuoruo wants to divorce her, it's just a matter of raising my hand."

Su'er's heart is completely chilled, it seems that Shizi has seen everything, and her tricks are not even a fart in Shizi's eyes.

"Hurry up and get out?" Shangguan Nuo roared.

Su'er trembled, got up quickly, and fled out in a hurry.

Cui Guanshi's complexion turned a little dignified, why did Shangguan Nuo go to such great lengths to protect a follower?And it seems that that small pass seems to be very important in his eyes.

And why did Shi Zifei and Su'er join forces to deal with a follower who just entered the mansion?
There are many doubts in this, and the more I think about it, the more curious I become.

"My lord, is Xiaoguan here? I want to ask him a few words." Cui Guanshi said.

Shangguan Nuo knew that Guanshi Cui, who had a clear mind, became suspicious, "He's asleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Cui Guanshi frowned and said: "Sleeping? He fell asleep before the son fell asleep? Is there such a reason in the world?"

Shangguan Nuo smiled coolly, "There are many reasons in this world. If I let him sleep, he will naturally sleep. After all, I am his master."

(End of this chapter)

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