Chapter 1380
Chapter 1396

Sun Liuliu was naturally upset at Shangguan Yu'er's rudeness, but who made her have a low status in this mansion, she dared not offend this sister-in-law, and could only please her in every possible way, as if her contempt did not exist at all.

Sun Liuliu said: "That's right. Last night Xiaobao woke up crying, so I got up to coax him, and finally put Xiaobao to sleep. Just as I was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, I suddenly heard a scream from the garden."

Shangguan Yu'er frowned and asked, "The scream? Why didn't I hear it?"

Sun Liuliu said: "Perhaps my residence is closer to the garden."

"What exactly is the scream?" Shangguan Yu'er asked.

Sun Liuliu pretended to look left and right, and put on a mysterious look: "I heard that your elder brother's housemate was bullied by the servants in the mansion, and they tricked her into a dark garden, intending to do something wrong."

Shangguan Yu'er's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard, what are you kidding, this is Shangguan's mansion, the guards inside are heavily guarded, how dare a mere follower do such a thing?Have you eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?

"Is this true?" She looked suspicious, the woman in front of her was not an upright person, if she lied, it would not be surprising at all.

Sun Liuliu said: "I'm not the only one who knows about this, did I make it up?"

"Oh? Who else knows?" Shangguan Yu'er looked curious.

"Guard Cui and some guards, they took the Tong Fang to your elder brother, and they are looking for your elder brother to confront him."

Shangguan Yu'er was puzzled: "What are you talking about? Why are you looking for my eldest brother?"

"The attendant is the person next to your elder brother. It seems to be a newcomer. His name is Xiaoguan. I have met him once before, but his appearance is very ordinary. Those eyes—"

Shangguan Yu'er asked anxiously, "What happened to the eyes?"

"Those eyes are almost exactly the same as Princess Changle's. You also know your brother's temperament. I think you understand in your heart what he means by doing this." Shangguan Yu'er took a look.

Shangguan Yu'er shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, it's definitely not like this, my brother is not such a person, don't talk nonsense."

Sun Liuliu shrugged: "Look, if I don't tell you, I know you won't believe me. Anyway, I didn't tell half a lie."

At this moment, Shangguan Nuo came out from the gate, walked straight to his parents, and bowed to them.

Sun Liuliu touched Shangguan Yu'er's arm, and said in a low voice: "The person who follows your elder brother is that Xiaoguan."

Shangguan Yu'er hurriedly looked around, and saw that the attendant was dressed in ordinary clothes, with his head bowed, he couldn't see any difference from ordinary attendants.

"It really happened?" She frowned, and she didn't want to believe it, but Sun Liuliu said it well and pointed out someone, which made her believe it.

Sun Liuliu said: "If you don't want to believe me, just ask Guanshi Cui and you will find out, but you must never tell your parents about this."

Shangguan Yu'er squinted at her: "Since you are so kind, why did you tell me? What is going on in your heart?"

Sun Liuliu shrugged: "I didn't intend to tell you. You insisted on asking me. What can I do?"

It seems to be the case. Just now, Sun Liuliu really didn't want to say it. She insisted on her to say it. If it is true, then the elder brother will be in trouble. He is a dignified son, how can he be involved in such a scandal.

(End of this chapter)

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