Chapter 1382

Chapter 1398

But Shangguan's carriage directly omitted these locks.

It seemed that the entire imperial palace fell into the hands of Shangguan Tuo.

After the carriage drove to a specific location, the group of them got out of the carriage one after another, and the imperial chariot had already come to pick them up.

The imperial chariot is a thing for the emperor, and only the emperor is qualified to ride on it, but Shangguan Tuo ignored these, without even a single word of politeness, he just climbed onto the imperial chariot, and even called his wife to get on the chariot, and the rest of the people joined him. Walk behind.

Chu Tianqi held a banquet in Yonghe Hall to welcome Shangguantuo's family.

On the way to Lama Temple, Zhu'er from Zhaoyuan Palace had been waiting by the side of the road early, and when she saw Lord Hou, she rushed up to greet him, "My maidservant sees Lord Hou."

Zhu'er is the person she placed next to her younger sister Shangguan Yao, so she naturally recognizes her, Zhu Yao is also responsible for the success of the matter, if she hadn't been blowing wind in Shangguan Yao's ear, this matter would not have been so easy.

"Get up, don't be too polite,"

Zhu'er quickly stood up and followed Shangguan Tuo's left rear sideways.

Shangguan Tuo said in a low voice: "How did you go about what I told you?"

A smile appeared on Zhu'er's face, and she replied in a low voice: "Back to Lord Hou, Mr. Wan was ordered to sink into the pond by the empress, and Chu Tianqi was killed by the emperor himself. Everything is going well."

Shangguan Tuo lowered his eyebrows and smiled, then asked, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Zhu'er nodded: "This servant saw it with my own eyes. I chopped it up with my own hands and fed it to the dogs."

The smile on Shangguan Tuo's face grew stronger: "Very well, I did not misread you."

Zhu'er was overjoyed, "It is a blessing for a servant to be able to serve Lord Hou."

Shangguan Tuo nodded: "Okay, I got it, you go back first, don't let the empress find out what's going on, this matter is not over yet, so we can't make trouble out of it, understand?"

Zhu'er hurriedly responded: "Yes, I understand."

Shangguan Nuo saw the father who was walking in the front and a court lady muttering to each other. He just wanted to go up to listen to his ears, but he was stopped by the guards beside his father: "My son, Lord Hou is discussing something important. The prince should wait a while before going forward."

Shangguan Nuo was dissatisfied, but he couldn't say anything more, he could only swallow his breath, and fixed his suspicious eyes on his father.

After a while, the maid left, and he stepped forward again, but the guard finally didn't stop him, he rushed to his father and asked, "Father, the maid just now looked so familiar, she seemed to be from Zhaoyuan Palace, how do you know her? "

Shangguan Tuo glanced at Shangguan Nuo, and said angrily: "Look at your prospects, what's wrong with the people in Zhaoyuan Palace? Am I not qualified to know people in Zhaoyuan Palace?"

Shangguan Nuo hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I didn't mean that, it's just strange."

"She's your aunt's dowry maid, and she came from the east, so what's the difficulty in getting to know me?" Shangguan Tuo's one sentence dissolved Shangguan Nuo's pre-set trap into nothing.

Shangguan Nuo wanted to ask again, but Zheng Nianwen hurriedly grabbed his sleeve, shook his head slightly at him, and signaled not to act rashly.

Shangguan Nuo had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, and followed his father into the Hall of Yonghe.

And Shangguan Yu'er, who had been staring at the two of them, saw clearly the scene outside just now.

As Sun Liuliu hinted, the two have problems, and the problems are not small.

For her elder brother, who never listened to others casually, compromised under the eyes of an attendant, it was simply a fantasy to her.

(End of this chapter)

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