Chapter 1385 Encouraging
Chapter 1401

Shangguan Tuo half-closed his eyes and looked at the guard standing in the hall, and said with a smile, "What? Don't you know anyone?"

Only then did the guard come to his senses, he quickly knelt down, and said to Shangguan, "Your Majesty, Lord Hou, something happened in the sky prison."

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyebrows and asked, "The sky prison is heavily guarded, what can happen?"

The guard hurriedly said: "Back to Lord Marquis, the prison suddenly caught fire, and when everyone put out the fire, the couple surnamed Wan——disappeared."

Shangguan Tuo immediately frowned, his face was cold, and the drunkenness in his eyes dissipated for a few minutes: "There are so many of you, and you can't even look down on two useless old things, what use are you for?"

The guard hurriedly knocked his head to the ground, his expression frightened: "This subordinate has neglected his duty, please forgive me, Lord Hou."

Shangguan Tuo dropped the wine glass in his hand on the table, got up and walked out: "Go, lead the way, I'll take a look."

Chu Tianqi hurriedly said: "I'll go and have a look too." He went around to the other side, passing Wan Kun deliberately, and said in a low voice, "I'll go to the prison to hold him back, and you find a chance to connect with Wen'er, and let her stay forever." Don’t be impulsive, just wait and see what happens.”

Wan Kun nodded, and his eyes fell on Nian Wen who was still standing in the hall. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, her eyes were slightly sunken, and she was very haggard.

As soon as Shangguan Tuo left, Shangguan Nuo got up, said something to Nian Wen, and then led her out.

Shangguan Yu'er, who was sitting opposite Shangguan Nuo, called out, "Brother, where are you going?"

Shangguan Nuo said without turning his head: "I'll go for convenience."

Shangguan Yu'er wanted to follow, but she heard what her elder brother said, so she gave up and sat back.

Sun Liuliu leaned over to Shangguan Yu'er's table and said in a low voice: "Do you believe what he said? Do you need to go to the outer hall for convenience? There is a convenient place for this apse. He is clearly lying to you."

Shangguan Yu'er didn't come to the imperial palace, nor did she go to the Yonghe Hall, so she naturally didn't know about it. After listening to Sun Liuliu's words, she thought it was reasonable, but at this time her brother had disappeared, so she could only be upset by herself.

Seeing Shangguan Yu'er sitting still, Sun Liuliu continued to encourage, "I don't know where your elder brother took that Xiaoguan, and if there will be any trouble in this palace."

Shangguan Yu'er squinted at Sun Liuliu who was beside her: "Hearing what you said, it seems like I'm hoping for something to happen to my elder brother."

Sun Liuliu hurriedly poohed three times: "Pah, pee, you girl, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm just worried about your elder brother. Why don't you know good people?"

Shangguan Yu'er snorted, she has a good heart, God knows what color her heart is, maybe it's black.

She hated Sun Liu and Liugui hated it, she was really worried about her eldest brother, afraid that he would cause trouble in this palace.

Just now her father actually sat on the dragon chair, but she was covered in cold sweat from fright. Although the emperor did not show any anger, his smile remained the same. I am afraid that he hated his father to death in his heart, but now that his father is in power, he It's just not good.

If something bad happens to the eldest brother, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

It's just that the eldest brother has already left. How can she find this huge palace?What name to look for?You can't just wander around in this palace by yourself.

Sun Liuliu seemed to see Shangguan Yu'er's embarrassment, and hurriedly offered a plan: "My good sister, it's not easy to go out to find your brother. Didn't the emperor say that the empress is ill today, that's why she didn't come to Yonghe Dian, think about it, you are the empress's niece, you know that she is ill, so you go to her palace to visit her, isn't it normal?"

(End of this chapter)

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