Chapter 1387
Chapter 1403

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "No, I won't let you face this alone. Our Shangguan family owes you, so I will pay it back."

Nian Wen frowned, "What do you want to do?"

Shangguan promised: "I know where you are going now, I will go with you."

Read the text and shook his head: "No, this trip is dangerous, you have helped me enough, I—"

Shangguan Nuo interrupted her: "Stop talking, I've made up my mind, even if I try my best to be discovered by my father and die, I will do what I want to do instead of continuing to be a shrinking turtle."

He reached out to grab Nianwen's wrist, and dragged her to Zhaoyuan Palace.

Wan Kun, who was hiding behind a tree in the distance, saw this, and his complexion immediately became overcast.

Zhaoyuan Palace

Naturally, Shangguan Yao was not really ill. Taking advantage of today's Zhu'er not in Zhaoyuan Palace, as usual, she sent someone to the prison to deliver a meal, and specially ordered someone to bring the meal to her for inspection. I didn't pay attention, and stuffed things in, which led to the fire in the prison and the escape of Jian Yun and Mr. Wan.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to escape from the palace, but under Wan Kun's secret arrangement, they came to Zhaoyuan Palace, and Shangguan Yao hid them in the secret room of the Buddhist hall.

After finishing all this work, Zhu'er also came back, Shangguan Yao had already taken off her outer shirt, and lay back on the phoenix couch.

Zhu'er came in with ginseng soup: "Niang Niang, are you better?"

Shangguan Yao hummed: "It's better, Master Hou has entered the palace?"

Zhu'er nodded: "Go back to your mother, Master Hou is drinking in Yonghe Hall now."

The corners of Shangguan Yao's mouth curled slightly, her smile was sarcastic, she sighed, sat up, looked sideways at Zhu'er who was standing outside the tent, and said softly: "This palace is really useless, elder brother finally entered the palace, but this palace I'm sick at this time, I should have had a good drink or two with my elder brother."

Zhu'er smiled and said: "Mother, are you still worried about not having a chance in the future? Lord Hou will definitely come to the palace often in the future, you can see him whenever you want."

"Really? He said that he will often enter the palace in the future? What is he going to do in the palace?" Shangguan Yao's voice was cold for three days.

Zhu'er knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, what I mean by this servant is that Lord Hou has now left the capital from the east, and everyone will definitely not leave at this moment. The emperor sitting on the dragon chair is not the real emperor after all. You must go to the palace to supervise one or two from time to time, so that it is not good for that person to have a different heart."

Shangguan Yao sneered, "It's true, what can a woman in this palace know, if my brother doesn't help, let alone the crown prince has not been established yet, even if the crown prince is established, there must be someone who can deter him."

Zhu'er hastily replied: "Yes, yes, that's what the servants mean." There was fine sweat on her forehead, and she secretly scolded herself for being talkative. The Marquis had just ordered her not to make the queen suspicious, That was almost a bad thing.

Shangguan Yao opened the curtain and slowly got out of bed.

Seeing this, Zhu'er hastily put down the ginseng soup in her hand, took out a coat and put it on her: "Put it on quickly, be careful before catching a cold."

At this time, a palace maid hurriedly came from outside: "Your Majesty, the son of Marquis Xianguang is asking to see you."

Shangguan Nuo?What is he doing now?
Shangguan Yao put on her clothes and went straight to the front hall without thinking about drinking the ginseng soup.

"See empress empress." Shangguan Nuo bowed his hands.

Shangguan Yao smiled gently: "There is no need to be too polite, Nuoer, what are you doing here if you are not drinking with Yonghe Hall?"

(End of this chapter)

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