Chapter 1389
Chapter 1405

Zhu'er turned her head to look at the empress who was sitting in the high position, but she saw that the empress looked at her expressionlessly, her eyes were extremely indifferent, and she didn't have the slightest meaning to call people.

Everything happened too fast, Shangguan Nuo wanted to help, but before he could do anything, the matter was over.

No, maybe it's not over yet.

He turned around abruptly, looked at Shangguan Yao who was sitting in the main seat, and was surprised to see her calm face.

Shangguan Yao ignored Shangguan Nuo, she stared at Zheng Nianwen who was covered in blood, and said slowly, "Wen'er, as long as you are fine."

Zheng Nianwen frowned, and walked towards Shangguanyao step by step. She didn't understand why Shangguanyao had such an attitude. Shouldn't she have called out immediately after discovering her identity and asked all the Habayashi guards to deal with her?
She didn't do that, and even kicked out all the maids and eunuchs in time.

"Shangguan Yao, stop being hypocritical in front of me. Since you recognize me, you should know what I want to do."

Shangguan Yao smiled wryly: "Of course I know, I have been waiting for you, and I am very happy to see that you are safe and sound."

"Who are you making this play for? Isn't it you who caused all this? You wish we all died, so that you and your Shangguan family can occupy the entire Chu country. Isn't that exactly what you want? ?”

Shangguan Yao shook her head desperately: "No, this is not what I want. I did make a mistake before. I made a huge mistake. It was your mother who made me wake up. I just realized how stupid I am. The knife in your hand becomes a pawn in someone else's hand."

Zheng Nianwen yelled, "Don't mention my mother, you are not qualified to mention her. If it weren't for you, how could she, my father, and my brother die? We have a good family, and now it has become like this. It is you. It's all because of you."

Shangguan Yao hurriedly said: "No, your parents must not be dead yet. When they pushed me off the carriage, they actually had an escape plan. I guess they must have gone to rescue the soldiers after not showing up for so long."

Zheng Nianwen shook his head: "Stop bluffing me, now that all the military power in my father's hands has been left, where are they going to go to rescue the soldiers? Without the emperor's imperial decree, and without the military amulet, how are they going to rescue the soldiers?"

Shangguan Yao said: "Wen'er, don't forget, your father is the side-by-side king, your mother is the princess protecting the country, they are not ordinary people, they have their own ways, I believe, they are definitely still alive, and will soon Will be back."

"Okay, even if it's true as you said, my parents are not dead, what about uncle? What about Master? What about Wan Kun? Why did they ever forgive you? Why are you so vicious?" She thought of Wan Kun who had been buried in the pond. , the uncle who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and the elderly master who had just escaped from the dungeon and didn't know where to hide in fear, his chest hurt like being stabbed by a knife.

She raised the dagger in her hand: "I want you to pay for them."

Shangguan Yao's face was pale, and she was about to explain herself, but she heard a hurried and hoarse voice suddenly, "Stop it, Wen'er, stop it."

A figure rushed out from the apse, rushed to read the text, and reached out to snatch the dagger in her hand.

Wen'er hadn't seen the person coming, but when he saw the person reaching out to pinch her wrist, she subconsciously attacked with her backhand.

In the blink of an eye, the two made several moves. Shangguan Nuo on the side rushed forward to help, but was about to make a move, but was pushed away by Nianwen, and the dagger in her hand fell to the ground, with tears rolling down her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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