Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1397 Expected that we would go out of the palace

Chapter 1397 Expected that we would go out of the palace

Chapter 1413

Wan Kun told the whole story. When she heard that Rong Yue entered the palace and was ambushed to save her, her heart was pierced like a knife, and the blood in her chest was churning. Suddenly, a fishy sweetness surged up in his throat, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mr. Wan was very frightened, and rushed forward to support her, "How are you?"

Wan Kun hastily pinched his mother's wrist to signal the pulse, his brows that were frowning slightly became more and more wrinkled, and his complexion became even more ugly.

Seeing this, Nianwen quickly asked, "How is it?"

Jian Yun held his son's hand and said in a low voice: "I'm fine, it's just that I've been in the prison for a long time, and my old bones can't bear it. It's okay, just take a good rest for a few days."

Wan Kun didn't make a sound, straightened up, "Don't delay any longer, you guys leave the palace now."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yao quickly handed over her waist badge: "Wen'er, if you leave the palace with this, no one will dare to stop you."

An hour later, a simple black horse-drawn carriage drove out of the palace. Even though Nianwen took out the queen's token, the guards still stopped the carriage for routine inspection.

In addition to 'Zhu'er', there were two nuns and eunuchs from Zhaoyuan Palace in the carriage.

"Where is Miss Zhu'er going on business?" the guard asked with a smile.

Nianwen smiled faintly: "The empress ordered me to go out of the palace to buy some things. It's the same as before, nothing special."

The guards just asked casually. In the past, Zhu'er ignored them at all, let alone answered their questions, but now it is strange.

"Let go." The guards didn't think much about it, there was no other things or people on the carriage, plus they were people from the empress's palace, so they had no reason not to let it go.

Shangguan Nuo, who was waiting outside, saw a carriage coming out, and he saw the face of 'Pearl' through the gap in the curtain blown by the wind.

Zhu'er is obviously dead, she can't be Zhu'er, since it's not Zhu'er, then it must be Nianwen.

He hastened to catch up.

Jian Yun, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them, and she read the text and said: "The people behind are following us."

Nian Wen raised the curtain and looked back, seeing that it was Shangguan Nuo, he hurriedly ordered the driver to stop.

She got out of the carriage, waved to Shangguan Nuo, and signaled him to get on the carriage.

"Who is it?" Jian Yun asked.

"It's Shangguan Nuo, Prince Xian Guanghou."

Jian Yun frowned: "Shangguantuo's son?"

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, but he is different from Shangguan Tuo. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive now, and I wouldn't be able to enter the palace smoothly. In fact, he doesn't approve of Shangguan Tuo's rebellion. He even saw it with his own eyes. Tuo's old master died tragically at the hands of Shangguan Tuo, he hated Shangguan Tuo, but there was nothing he could do."

Jian Yun shook his head: "Beast, for his own selfish desires, even his own father can be killed. If he becomes emperor, he will be the second Chu Lian. Absolutely not."

Read the text and said: "With me here, I will never let him succeed. This Chu Dynasty is a place that my parents and uncle have guarded all their lives."

At this moment, Shangguan Nuo got into the carriage, and when he saw Jian Yun and Mr. Wan, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: "It's great that you two elders can come out of the palace."

Jian Yun glanced at him lightly, pointed to the vacant seat beside Nianwen and said, "Sit down."

Mr. Wan looked Shangguan Nuo up and down, and said with a light smile: "It seems that the son has long expected that we will leave the palace."

Shangguan Nuoqian laughed twice, and said: "I sent Wen'er into the palace, so I naturally want to see her get out of the palace safely. Now that you are all out, I feel relieved."

(End of this chapter)

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