Chapter 1399
Chapter 1415

At this moment, Shangguan Nuo had already followed, and scowled angrily, "Shangguan Yu'er, have you had enough trouble? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Seeing that the eldest brother seemed to be really angry, and he scolded her in front of so many servants in the courtyard for the sake of a lowly follower, this made her doubt the true identity of Xiaoguan in front of her even more.

Is it true that as Sun Liuliu said, his relationship with this Xiaoguan is extraordinary?

Shangguan Nora read the text and then left, leaving behind Shangguan Yuer who was stunned.

Back in the study, Nian Wen withdrew her hand, keeping a certain distance from Shangguan Nuo, she whispered: "It seems that your sister has begun to doubt me."

The temperature in the palm has not yet dissipated, the brief intimate contact made his mind flutter, and her habitual indifference made him suddenly wake up again.

She was still Zheng Nianwen, the same Zheng Nianwen as before, nothing changed.

And because he is Shangguan Nuo, the son of Shangguan Tuo, it is even more unlikely that there will be any changes.

Swallowing the strong bitterness, he said in a hoarse voice: "I will handle this matter well. Although Yu'er looks very naughty, she is not a person who does not know the general situation, and she will not just make rumors in front of others without any basis. People gossip."

Read the text and nodded, she didn't hate Shangguan Yu'er.

She sat down at the table and poured herself a cup of warm tea, just as she put the tea to her mouth to drink, she suddenly frowned.

"There is something wrong with this tea." She put the tea cup down.

Shangguan Nuo stepped forward and took out a teacup to smell it carefully, but he couldn't smell any special smell.

"What's the problem?" Shangguan Nuo asked.

Read the text: "There is medicine in tea, spring/medicine."

Shangguan Nuo's complexion changed slightly, seeing Zheng Nianwen's eyes staring at the teapot in a daze, wondering what he was thinking, he hurriedly said: "I didn't do this, how could I do such a dirty and indecent thing, you must believe me. "

Read the text and nodded, "I know you didn't do it, you've been with me all this time, so I'm afraid you don't have the chance to do it."

In the past, she didn't know Shangguan Nuo, and she thought he was just a dude from a good family. After getting along these days, she found that Shangguan Nuo was different from ordinary noble sons. evil people.

If he wanted to violate himself, he had plenty of opportunities when she was rescued by him when she was seriously injured, why wait until now, let alone use such low-level means.

Seeing that she seemed to really believe in him, Shangguan Nuo heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Who put the medicine in my tea?"

Read the text and said: "If the medicine is poisonous, maybe you can't find out who the medicine is for a while, but the other party is medicine. The purpose of this medicine is very strong. You should be clear and look at it. Well, the person who prescribes the medicine must have calculated the time and came at the right time."

In fact, both of them have a candidate in their hearts, but it's just that they can't speak nonsense without evidence.

After a while, Wu'er came to the study and said to Shangguan: "My son, my concubine asked to see me and said I have something important to tell."

The gazes of Shangguan Nuo and Zheng Nianwen meet at one place, it seems that the main character has appeared.

Shangguan Nuo said to Wu'er: "No." He replied indifferently, but wanted to see how this Sun Liuliu would enter this Mu Cangju and send herself in front of him.

Wu'er had just accepted Sun Liuliu's benefits, so she naturally wanted to say a few good words for her: "My lord, the concubine's mood doesn't seem to be in a good mood, I'm afraid there is really something important to do."

(End of this chapter)

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