Chapter 1406
Chapter 1422

He had to recover from Shangguantuo little by little the sufferings of his father, mother and everyone around him, and let him know that good and evil will eventually be rewarded.

In the afternoon of the next day, Shangguan Tuo had just finished his lunch and was planning to go to the palace to see if Jian Yun and Mr. Wan were caught.

He put on his clothes and went out. Just after taking a few steps, he felt a pain in his chest again, the same symptoms as yesterday.

"Master Hou, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that her husband was holding on to the wall without taking a few steps, Liao hurried forward to check.

Shangguan Tuo said: "Hurry up, go and ask for Imperial Physician Fang, hurry up." He was sweating coldly from the pain, and could hardly stand up, and finally, with the support of his wife, he returned to the bed in the room.

The pain became more and more severe, several times worse than yesterday. Just when he was about to pass out from the pain, Imperial Physician Fang hurried over. This time, he came alone, and there was no boy to carry the medicine box for him.

Physician Fang took his pulse, his face was heavy, but his eyes were full of joy. As Mr. Wan expected, Shangguan Tuo's body had already begun to rely on that medicine. The pain in his chest could only be relieved after drinking the medicine. It will be relieved. At the beginning, one bowl a day can be overcome. After a while, two bowls a day will be needed. After a while, three bowls a day will not be enough. It happened several times, this is inhuman torture, heh—Shangguantuo, you finally have today.

In order to let Shangguan Tuo feel the pain for a while longer, so that he can taste the pain for a while longer, he said to Liao Shi: "Ma'am, Master Hou has fallen ill again, and needs to be given an injection immediately. Madam, please avoid it, and please ask Madam to send someone." To decoct the medicine, just use the prescription given last night."

Naturally, the decocted medicine is fine, and the problematic medicine is in his hand, so he will always find a way to put it into the bowl of medicine.

Shangguan Tuo was in pain for another hour, and when he was so painful that he almost passed out, the bowl of medicine was brought to his mouth.

After taking the decoction, the effect of the medicine soon took effect, and the pain in the chest slowly disappeared.

"Master Hou, how do you feel now?" Physician Fang asked.

Shangguan Tuo stroked his chest, gasped and said, "It's much better now, Imperial Physician Fang is really a miracle doctor."

Imperial Physician Fang smiled lightly: "Master Hou is joking, I don't dare to call myself a genius doctor, but I just happen to know how to cure your stubborn illness."

Shangguan Tuo sat up, feeling that there was nothing abnormal about his body, and said, "Since I'm fine, I should also enter the palace, there are still a lot of things to do."

Physician Fang got up to tidy up his medicine box, and said in a low voice, "Master Hou, it's better not to be too tired these days. You have to rely on support for your illness. This time, the illness occurred because you were too tired recently."

Whenever Liao thought of Master Hou lying on the bed with a white face, he would get scared, and hurriedly persuaded: "Yes, Master Hou, you have been too tired recently, you should take a rest."

Shangguan Tuo frowned, with a displeased face: "What do you know as a woman? Men don't interrupt when they talk."

Liao Shi looked aggrieved, turned around and sat back in the chair with red eyes, without saying a word.

Shangguan Tuo said to Physician Fang: "I'm doing well now. Your acupuncture and medicine are very effective. I think I'm fine. If there's anything else, I'll come back to you."

Imperial Physician Fang didn't persuade much, just smiled lightly and said: "Master Hou, if you feel really uncomfortable, you must not be aggressive, the more aggressive you are, the worse it will be for your condition, rest when you should rest, as the saying goes Well, if you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.”

(End of this chapter)

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