Chapter 1426 Miss Ruyu
Chapter 1442

"At that time, let's find a place where no one knows us, start life again, marry a wife and have children, buy a house and land, and live the small life we ​​have always wanted. Us." Deputy General Zhang looked forward, as if a beautiful life was just around the corner, just one step away.

He rolled his eyes at Lieutenant General Li next to him, "You, things have come to this point, why worry about it? We have no way out, and there are three more days, as long as these three days pass, we can leave this place What a hell place."

Lieutenant General Li took a deep breath, nodded, and raised his glass: "Okay, cheers for our better life in the future!"


The two drank one cup after another, but they didn't know that someone outside had already watched them to death.

The two slept in the tent after drinking enough wine, and slept until the afternoon before waking up.

"Vice General Zhang, I think it's almost time, we should go back." Vice General Li pushed Vice General Zhang who had been sleeping soundly.

Deputy General Zhang turned over and continued to sleep, muttering: "I can't do it, I'm very dizzy, you can go back to life yourself, just say that I'm still searching for Tianhu's whereabouts outside."

Lieutenant General Li glanced at the sky outside. Although he was full of unwillingness to return to his life by himself, the appearance of this lieutenant general was really not suitable for appearing in front of General Yuan Bao. The quantity is quite good, how did you get drunk so quickly today?

As soon as Vice General Li left, Vice General Zhang, who had been asleep, turned over immediately, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "I won't scold you, Yuan Bao is going crazy right now, and he went back without finding it, I'm afraid there will be more than that." It's that simple to be scolded."

He got up and straightened his clothes, stood at the tent door and looked out. Seeing that there was no one around, he swaggered out of the tent and walked towards the small woods on the east side of the camp.

Two dark shadows followed Deputy General Zhang from a distance, and saw him enter the small forest and then came to a path leading down the mountain. Two horses were tied to a tree with crooked necks. He took one of them and drove the horse down the mountain.

After going down the mountain, Vice General Zhang rushed directly to Xiyuan Town, which is thirty miles away from Xipan Mountain, and arrived at Xiyuan Town before nightfall. Vice General Zhang obviously came here often and was very familiar with the streets and alleys of the town. The street turns into a long street filled with various red lanterns. The street is very lively. Most of the people walking up and down the street are men, making fun of the scantily clad woman in front of the building.

Vice General Zhang went straight to Xinghualou, and the old bustard greeted him familiarly: "Mr. Zhang, you haven't come for quite a while. Miss Ruyu has been looking forward to your coming all day long."

Vice General Zhang narrowed his eyes happily, and he said to the bustard, "Miss Ruyu, are you free now?"

The old bustard smiled and said: "Yes, yes, she, she is thinking about you all day long, young master, and she ignores other guests, just waiting for you to come."

The bustard dragged Deputy General Zhang upstairs, and went directly to Miss Ruyu's house, knocked on the door: "Ruyu, Mr. Zhang is here, why don't you come out to meet him?"

Ruyu, who was dressing inside, heard the old bustard's words, and immediately burst into joy. This young man is young and strong, and he is also a general in the camp. His future is boundless. If he can be coaxed well, he will work in his mansion in the future. A concubine is better than staying in this Xinghualou to be greeted and sent off, she is not tall.

She smiled sweetly at herself in the mirror, trotted to open the door, her eyes turned red when she saw Deputy General Zhang, and said with a choked voice, "My lord, you are here, I have been waiting so hard for you! "

(End of this chapter)

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