Chapter 1431 Imprisonment
Chapter 1447

Zhang Wei smiled wryly: "Of course I want to, but we also need to leave a way out. For example, if Lord Hou is gone now, how can I continue to open my mouth to speak?"

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "Who instigated it?"

Zhang Wei raised his eyes, and his empty eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen, his whole body was bleak and desolate: "In today's world, there is only one person who can instruct me to do such a thing, and the prince should know it well."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't ask any more questions, but Dina on the side was confused. She grabbed Rong Yue's arm and said, "What does he mean by that? What happened? Why did you suddenly come to Xijiang? Why did they have to deal with it?" Marquis?"

Rong Yue patted the back of her hand, and said in a low voice: "It's a long story, now is not the time to talk about it, first go to save Tianhu, save people first, and then it won't be too late to talk about it."

Dina nodded, she trusted Rong Yue and Zheng Zhongwen with all her heart, she knew Zheng Zhongwen before Tianhu, she knew Zheng Zhongwen's temperament very well, she knew his character, and after that she had a close relationship with Qi Rongyue, this couple I'm afraid few people know better than her what kind of people they are, and she trusts them.

Hu Hai escorted Zhang Wei, guided by Zhang Wei, and led a group of people to Xipan Mountain. Baiyan Slope is the steepest rock slope in Xipan. There are few trees around and it is in a dangerous place. A place you don't want to come to.

Apparently this place is the best place to be imprisoned carefully selected by Zhang Wei and Li Dan.

The entrance of the small cave was blocked by huge boulders. It took a lot of effort for several people to break open the entrance. After lighting the torches, the inside of the cave was as bright as day, and the Tianhu in general uniform curled up in the corner of the cave. , trembling all over, unconscious.

Dina covered her mouth and choked with sobs, her tears couldn't stop falling down. The man who usually looked like an invincible general turned out to be like this now.

Rong Yue stepped forward quickly, and after taking a closer look at her pulse, her complexion changed drastically. She looked at Zhang Wei coldly with deep eyebrows, and said angrily, "Bone Pill? You are so courageous."

Zhang Hai's face was pale, and his voice was nonchalant: "We, we have no other choice."

Rong Yue didn't want to pay any more attention to him, and hurriedly said to Zhong Wen and Hu Hai: "Hurry up, bring Hou Ye back to the city, you must start acupuncture and detoxification as soon as possible, otherwise not only will you lose all your martial arts skills, but you will also lose your life."

Hu Hai was shocked when he heard the words, he quickly stepped forward and carried Master Hou on his back, turned around and ran out of the cave.

Zheng Zhongwen escorted Zhang Hai to follow, and ordered He Jun to go to the camp to report the matter to General Yuan Bao, and the rest of the group hurried down the mountain and returned to Huyuan in Xiyuan Town.

On the way back to the Tiger Garden, Qi Rongyue went into a medical clinic, bought a pack of silver needles, and wrote down a prescription at the same time, asking them to collect all the medicines and send them to the Tiger Garden.

Tianhu's poisoning is very deep, and Xiaogu Dan is different from ordinary poisons. This poison enters the body, first invades the blood and bones, and then enters the meridians.

Even if Tianhu survived in Qi Rongyue's hands, it would be very difficult for him to return to his original state.

Dina knows that Qi Rongyue's medical skills are very good, bringing the dead back to life is no problem, and she has also witnessed Qi Rongyue saving many dying people, so she has always had confidence in her medical skills.

But when things came to her head, she realized that even though there was a genius doctor in front of her, she was still afraid, and the confidence accumulated in the past seemed to disappear. This may be an instinct, a kind of worrying that humans are best at instinct.

(End of this chapter)

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