Chapter 1445 Ordinary People
Chapter 1461

Rong Yue said to Dina again: "Since Lianxiang said that the man is a man, then let's find this man from the tiger garden."

Dina's heart was in a mess and she had no idea at all: "But how do I find this?"

Yuan Bao also said: "Yes, if we don't take care of it, we will startle the snake, we will simply arrest all the people, and have a good trial. I don't believe that we can't find this person, but this method is useless right now. How are we going to arrest that person?" find out?"

Zheng Zhongwen smiled lightly: "It's very simple, lead the snake out of the hole, don't worry, as long as the other person is still in the mansion and wants to do something, then he will definitely come to us, as long as a person has a flaw, he will always show it. Yes, let's see."

Zheng Zhongwen's self-confidence gave Dina and Yuan Bao great confidence. With their husband and wife around, they could finally feel at ease.

Soon, a message quickly spread to every corner of Tiger Park.

"Have you heard? Madam fell ill. It is said that in order to take care of Lord Hou these days, she couldn't take off her clothes and didn't take any rice. Master Hou was still in a coma, and Madam fell down again. General Yuan Bao is currently picking smart ones in the front yard." My servant, arrange to serve in Lord Hou's room."

"Then why didn't you go?"

"I'm clumsy. I'm not the kind of person who can serve Lord Hou. It's not bad if I do some rough work. If not, can I let go of the reward of one tael of silver that day?"

"One or two a day? Really or not?"

"Can I still lie to you? If you don't believe me, just go to the front yard and ask if you can find out. Unfortunately, I am a rough person, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you. I would have gone to grab this division of labor by myself."

In the front yard, Yuan Bao was sitting in the grand teacher's chair, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand. While waiting for someone to come, he used the cup cover to scrape off the froth from time to time, his eyes casually sweeping at the young man in front of him: "What's your name?" Name? How many years have you been in the mansion? What kind of work do you do on weekdays? Can you serve people?"

The young man was wearing a very old navy blue gown, with a belt of the same color around his waist, his hair was coiled up, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his chest was constantly heaving. .

"Returning to the general, the villain's name is Changqing, Changshou Chang, Qingshan Qing, 23 years old this year, has been in the mansion for six years, and does some rough work on weekdays. Although he has never served others, the villain can learn, and he will definitely be able to do it. Alright, please give the villain this chance, General."

Yuan Bao nodded, "Okay, leave your name first, and we'll let you know after the test is over."

The young man was a little disappointed. He could see some information in General Yuan Bao's eyes. He knew that he didn't get into General Yuan Bao's eyes. entrusted to others.

After Chang Qing retreated, another young man came to Yuan Bao.

Yuan Bao took a sip of hot tea, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the young man in front of him, repeating the question just now: "What's your name? How many years have you been in the mansion? What kind of work do you do on weekdays? Can you serve people?"

The young man's face was indifferent, different from the nervousness of the previous man, he was as calm as if he had a chance to win, his clothes were neat and clean, and his demeanor was different from ordinary servants, when he looked at Yuan Bao, his eyes were very direct, as if the one in front of him was not superior General, but an ordinary person like him.

Yuan Bao looked at him calmly, with a calm expression, as if looking at an extremely ordinary servant.

(End of this chapter)

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