Chapter 1456

Chapter 1472

The faces of the two became more and more ugly. It seemed that they still thought things too simply.

However, the situation has developed to this point, and they seem to have no choice.

Soon, Yuan Bao led a raid on Pingfeng Cloth Village, took down Shangguan Tuo's last stronghold in Xiyuan Town in one fell swoop, and took control of the contact point between Xiyuan Town and Kyoto.

Things seem to be turning for the better. As long as Tianhu wakes up, they can lead troops to go north quietly.


Kyoto, Shangguanfu.

It was late at night, and Shangguan Tuo, who was already sound asleep, woke up suddenly. He clutched his chest and screamed for pain. The pain made cold sweat break out on his forehead, and his voice became hoarse.

When Liao saw this, she was terrified. She was a good-natured person, but why did she always get sick in the middle of the night, scaring everyone to death.

The servants hurried out of the mansion to invite the imperial doctor Fang to come to the mansion to treat Lord Hou.

When Imperial Physician Fang arrived at the mansion, it was already an hour later, and Shangguan Tuosheng passed out from the pain, ignorant of personnel and affairs.

As soon as Imperial Physician Fang arrived, he pricked his Renzhong acupoint with silver needles, which woke him up from his lethargy, and made him feel the heart-piercing pain clearly.

"I, what's the matter with my illness? Why is it still not cured after taking the medicine for several times?" Shangguan Tuo asked urgently, his eyes full of apologetic guilt.

Imperial Physician Fang said softly: "Master Hou, your illness is a chronic illness, not a one-day illness, not to mention me, even Liang Zhangyuan can't cure you, you can only keep it with medicine, Let's see the effect."

Shangguan Tuo was so angry that he really wanted to stab the quack doctor in front of him with a sword, but he thought that if he stabbed him to death, wouldn't he suffer even longer?It's not too late to move him until his condition improves.

As usual, Imperial Physician Fang first administered acupuncture for Shangguan Tuo, and then ordered someone to decoct the medicine. Within half an hour, Shangguan Tuo's chest pain began to ease, and his throat, which was constantly panting heavily, felt much better.

Liao brought the teacup to her husband's mouth: "Master Hou, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Shangguan Tuo took the teacup, drank half of it in one breath, and then said: "Physician Fang, can my illness be cured?"

Physician Fang nodded: "Take care of it well, maybe you can raise it well, but it's not sure yet."

Shangguan Tuo said: "Is it because you are not sure, or is your hospital too uncertain?"

Imperial Physician Fang said with a smile: "Master Hou doesn't trust me? But it doesn't matter, Master Hou can invite other imperial physicians to have a try, even Liang Zhangyuan, you can invite them to have a try, and see if what I say is true true."

"You don't need to tell me, I will look for it naturally, you should step back first." Shangguan Nuo always felt that this imperial physician was a little weird, with a strange tone of voice and a strange smile, and even the way he looked at people made him very uncomfortable.

Physician Fang retreated without saying a word, and Shangguan Tuo said to Liao Shi who was beside him, "Go and tell Abu to go and find all the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital immediately, especially the head of the Liang hospital."

The country he had so hard to come by is about to become a great treasure, and his body can't go wrong at this juncture, absolutely not.

In today's capital city, news of the change of the sky has long been rumored. How could these imperial doctors in the imperial hospital not know that when they heard that Shangguantuo sent someone to invite them, who would dare to say anything, even The two imperial physicians directly left the two concubines who were seeing a doctor, and followed their entourage to the Shangguan Mansion.

Liang Zhangyuan is resting at home today, and his residence is very close to Shangguan's house, so he was the first to arrive at Shangguan's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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