Chapter 1466
Chapter 1482

Shangguan Tuo knew very well at this moment that he could no longer be unreasonable to the other imperial physician like before, and he had to rely on Fang imperial physician until he found a more suitable doctor for his illness.

He forced a far-fetched smile from his ugly face: "Physician Fang, today is thanks to you."

Physician Fang smiled again, the smile was a little strange, at least in Shangguantuo's eyes.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome. I am a doctor. It is my bounden duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. I should. It's just a pity that I still haven't been able to find a cure for your disease. I'm really sorry."

When he said the last sentence, he still had that strange smile on his face, which made Shangguantuo feel that this imperial doctor was suspicious, really suspicious.

But apart from his inexplicably unhappy expressions, he really couldn't find any other faults.

Is this imperial physician so suspicious as he thinks, or is he just being suspicious?

He didn't want to worry about these things now, the pain in his chest made him feel so painful, and the weakness in his whole body also made him desperate. This kind of pain, he just wanted to end soon, sooner, sooner.

Physician Fang said that it would take half an hour, and sure enough, the medicine would be delivered half an hour later on time, and Wan Kun brought it himself, and delivered it to Shangguantuo's bed.

If it was in the past, Shangguan Tuo would definitely not be willing to just take it like this, and would find someone to drink a bowl for him first, and drink it after a while.

But today, he can no longer control so much, even if a bowl of poison is given to him now, he will swallow it in one gulp.

Not long after taking the medicine, the pain in his chest was relieved as quickly as the previous few times, and the feeling of powerlessness all over his body gradually disappeared. He let out a long breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, the pain had dissipated Most of the time, the whole body also has a little strength.

He asked Imperial Physician Fang: "What kind of medicine did you give me? Why is the effect so fast? But it won't be long before it will relapse again?"

Physician Fang had expected that he would ask this question, so the answer was naturally prepared long ago.

"Master Hou, your disease is mainly caused by the sharp pain caused by the old disease in your chest. As I said a long time ago, there is no way to cure this disease for you. I can only prescribe some analgesic medicine for emergency. The needle combs the tendons and unblocks the meridians, so that the medicine can take effect quickly and relieve your pain in the shortest possible time.”

Shangguan Tuo sat up anxiously, "Could it be that there is no way to completely cure it?"

Physician Fang said: "I'm trying to figure out a way, Lord Hou, don't worry."

Don't worry?Can he be in a hurry?In just a few days, he fell ill four times in a row, each time becoming more fatal, and the pain was so painful that he was dying.

"How long will it take to find a solution?" Shangguan Tuo asked.

Physician Fang shook his head: "I can't guarantee this, I can only do my best."

Shangguan Tuo tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. In his calm voice, he still revealed his extreme dissatisfaction at this time: "I don't want to hear the words "do my best. I will give me three days. Within three days, I must find a way." ,otherwise--"

otherwise?Whole house copying?Kill without mercy?Ah--

Physician Fang didn't change his face, just stared at Shangguantuo indifferently. Now Fang's family is full of families, and he is the only one. When his wife died, she was three months pregnant. It was his and his wife's first child. He can never forget his wife's death, and he has never been able to forgive himself. Since then, he has not married another wife, and his parents in his hometown have long since passed away. He is the only one left in the Fang family. Is he still afraid of being executed?

(End of this chapter)

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