Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1468 I give you a soldier talisman?

Chapter 1468 I give you a soldier talisman?
Chapter 1484

I give you a talisman?
Heh, these words are really harsh, it was originally his thing, but now he is required to bestow it?

Chu Tianqi swallowed the bitterness and embarrassment, took the military amulet and went to the patrol camp outside the city with Wan Kun.

The soldiers of the patrol battalion got the news first, and learned that the Marquis Xian Guang who was supposed to come to the military parade was now changed to the emperor, so they were very happy and excited.

For the soldiers, this is a great honor. They guarded the imperial city all their lives, but they may not have the opportunity to see the sky. Now that the emperor is here in person, it is many times higher than the honor that Lord Hou brought them.

Ge Li was so depressed that he was dying. He was obviously an emperor, but he held a military order in his hand. When he ascended the height, thousands of troops boiled up. He was much more majestic than a general like him.

On the way back to the palace, Chu Tianqi changed clothes in the carriage, took Wan Kun to join in the fun in the capital city, and 'coincidentally' passed Chunxiang Tower while walking.

The accompanying Habayashi guards persuaded them in every possible way, but Chu Tianqi didn't bother to talk to them, so he pulled Wan Kun and went in.

The ten Habayashi guards all spent a lot of time in the deep palace of silence. Since they left Dongli with Lord Hou, they have never touched a woman again. When they entered the Chunxiang Building, they were greeted by those gorgeous girls. After a while of stalking, how could anyone not surrender.

Chu Tianqi and Wan Kun were also surrounded by two girls and entered the room. Wan Kun sent the two girls away with money, and then quietly left Chunxiang Building with Chu Tianqi through the window, and first forged a fake soldier talisman , and then go to Shangguan Nuo's other garden to visit Jian Yun.

I haven't seen him in just a few days, but Jian Yun seems to have aged a lot, and his complexion is even uglier than when he just left the prison.

Chu Tianqi asked Wan Kun, "Master, how did she become like this? Did you give her a good look?"

Wan Kun held back his tears, lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "I've seen it, it's being treated with medicine, the emperor doesn't have to worry."

No one is more aware of his mother's illness than him, every day is a situation leading to exhaustion, and every day may not be able to see the sun of tomorrow.

How much he wanted to stay by his mother's side like this, to spend more time with her in the last stage of her life, and to do the filial piety that he has never been able to do.

"Her old man's complexion is too bad, but what—"

Jian Yun immediately interrupted him: "I'm fine, have you forgotten that I'm also a doctor? How can I not know my own situation? Don't worry about it, take good care of yourself, what's going on in the palace now?" She Even if he wants to help him now, he is powerless. He still has Rong Yue in his heart, and he doesn't know how the child is doing now. Will he see her again in her lifetime?
Chu Tianqi explained the situation in the palace. Everything was going in a good direction. Shangguan Tuo was on the verge of death. What they had to do now was to take back the power little by little.

Seeing that things were going well for the two of them, Jian Yun was relieved a lot, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, Lao Wan is here, he will take care of me, you go back quickly, so as not to make people suspicious."

Even if you are extremely reluctant, you can't be willful at this juncture. Everything is based on the overall situation, and the overall situation is the most important thing.

Wan Kun didn't say much in the end, bowed deeply, and bid farewell to his parents. He didn't know if his mother would still be there when he came back next time. His heart ached like a knife, but he had no choice. I can't save my dearest relatives.

That powerless sense of frustration made him very depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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