Chapter 1470 Zhou Jiao
Chapter 1486

Although the face in front of him was unfamiliar, those eyes were extremely familiar to him.

He knew that Wen'er was very good at disguise, and in fact Wan Kun was also very good at it, only he was not good at it.

When Shizun taught, he learned with them, but he couldn't learn the essence of disguise technique.

Nian Wen smiled: "I'm a wanted criminal now, so naturally I can't show my true face."

When Zhou Jiao was happy, he thought of Shangguan Nuo beside him, and immediately frowned: "Why are you with him?"

"It is he who has been helping me. Without him, I am afraid that I would not be in this world now."

"But he—" Zhou Jiao frowned and glanced at Shangguan Nuo. He remembered that Shangguan Nuo cared very much for Wen'er, and the admiration in his eyes had never been hidden. It was truly amazing to be with such a person who had plans for her. Danger.

"Brother Jiao, Shangguan Tuo is Shangguan Tuo, and Shangguan Nuo is Shangguan Nuo. Don't confuse them. Shangguan Nuo is very good and never bullied me. Don't worry."

Zhou Jiao hurriedly said: "Since you are fine, come with me today."

"Go?" Nian Wen looked puzzled: "Where are you going?"

"Of course it is to return to the Zhou Dynasty. Now that the Chu Dynasty is like this, you can't do anything if you stay. It will only bring you a disaster of death."

Nian Wen withdrew the hand tightly held by Zhou Jiao, and smiled faintly: "I won't go, I won't go anywhere, this is my home, and I will stay here forever, not to mention, the victory or defeat is not yet a foregone conclusion, I You must stay, witness Shangguan Tuo's downfall with your own eyes, and avenge your parents with your own hands."

Zhou Jiao's heart was shocked, "Master and master, did they really, really have an accident?"

Read the text and shook his head: "I don't know either. They have been missing for more than a month. I don't know if they are alive or dead. I don't know what happened to them, but no matter what, I will ask Shangguantuo to settle the account."

Zhou Jiao knew about reading the text. Nine cows would not be able to bring back what she had decided. It would be useless to say more, so she simply said: "Okay, I will stay with you."

"Brother Jiao, the capital is dangerous. You are the lifeblood of the Zhou Dynasty. You shouldn't take risks here. If something happens to you, what will the Zhou Dynasty do? You go back. I understand your intentions, but now, it's okay for you to stay." Can't help much."

She suddenly thought of what Wan Kun had said in her ear that day, among those careful plans, one of them was to regain the military power of the 20 troops in Longxi.

The Zhou Dynasty is next to Longxi. Perhaps Zhou Jiao is not unable to do anything. As long as he is willing to help, as long as the king of Zhou who is far away from the capital of the Zhou Dynasty is willing to help, things may go smoothly.

"Brother Jiao, I have something to ask you."

Zhou Jiao's frustration disappeared immediately, and he quickly responded with a smile: "If you have something to say, just say it, no matter what it is, I will help you."

I will help you no matter what.

Hearing such words, Shangguan Nuo felt ashamed.

He had said similar things to Nianwen back then.

But it's not that he will help her no matter what, but that as long as he can do it, he will help her.

As long as he can do it, if he can't do it, he can't do anything.

The different numbers have different meanings and positions.

Nian Wen looked around and said, "It's not convenient to talk about it here, let's go in and talk about it in detail."

More than a dozen men in black surrounded them. If people saw this scene, they would definitely attract the government.

Everyone followed her into the other garden, first took him to meet the master, and then found another secret room to discuss in detail, shutting Shangguan Nuo out.

Although she trusted Shangguan Nuo, she was not to the point where she could tell him everything.

(End of this chapter)

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