Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1472 Which brothel is better

Chapter 1472 Which brothel is better

Chapter 1488

"Brother Jiao, if my father, mother and younger brother can come back alive, I will never leave them again. If they can't come back alive, I will stay with the Palace forever and will not go anywhere."

Seeing that her expression was gradually becoming agitated, Zhou Jiao knew that his words had triggered her sadness and made her think of her family members whose lives and deaths were unknown. If you don’t want to go, then don’t go, I will never force you.”

Nianwen wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, looked at the sky, and said: "It's getting late, you go back, be careful on the road."

Despite all kinds of reluctance, there will still be a moment of parting after all. Zhou Jiao didn't say anything more, nodded to her, and left the other garden with his entourage.

Shangguan Nuo, who was outside the courtyard, saw that they had all left, so he entered the courtyard and read aloud with reddened eyes, "What's wrong with you? Did he bully you?"

Read the text and shook his head: "No, how could he bully me, I grew up with him, we are as close as siblings, he treats me very well."

"Then why are you crying?" He took out the veil from his arms and handed it to her.

She pushed the veil back and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I just remembered some sad things, I'm fine now, I'm fine."

She passed him and headed towards the master's residence. He suppressed the disappointment in his heart and followed her step by step.

When Chu Tianqi returned to the palace, Shangguan Tuo hadn't gone back yet, he was still resting in the apse of Jinluan, and there were many memorials beside the bed. It seemed that Shangguan Tuo was not idle during the time he and Wan Kun were away. Come on, do you want to get started so soon?
Chu Tianqi returned the soldier talisman to Shangguan Tuo, but Shangguan Tuo didn't pay much attention and put it in his arms.

Chu Tianqi sat down in front of Shangguan Tuo's bed, picked up a memorial and flipped through it. After reading it for a while, he suddenly asked, "Where is this Nanwei?"

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Nanwei is the fortress of the Chu Dynasty, haven't you heard of it?"

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, maybe I have, but I didn't remember it seriously."

Shangguan Tuo snorted coldly: "Of course you can't remember these, but you know exactly which brothel in the capital is better."

Sure enough, Shangguan Tuo sent people to follow him all the way, where he went and what he did, Shangguan Tuo would naturally know clearly.

Chu Tianqi laughed twice: "No, it's not too long, it's uncomfortable, I saw it on the road, how could I bear it, so I went to play for a while."

Shangguan Tuo didn't bother to care about him, the more he looked like this, the more at ease he would be.

He glanced at the notebook in Chu Tianqi's hand, and suddenly asked: "Nanwei's Ruan Song has always been a neutral faction, and he can be called the elder of the three dynasties. He is also regarded as highly respected in Nanwei. Now that Nanwei is going to fight, his People of their age don’t know if they can do it.”

Chu Tianqi secretly looked at Shangguan Tuo, what he meant by saying this was that he did not trust Ruan Song, and wanted to send another general to replace Ruan Song, so that the military power would not be left behind, and he would be able to control Weinan more firmly afterwards .

Absolutely can't let this happen, otherwise, all my previous efforts will be in vain.

Chu Tianqi seemed unintentional and said: "I don't understand these things, but I heard that if you fight a war, you still need someone who can shock the three armies. Otherwise, if you replace it with a general who can't shock the three armies, the battle will still be difficult." Before I got up, my power was reduced by half first, which greatly increased the risk of losing the battle."

(End of this chapter)

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