Chapter 149 King Jin
When she stepped into the imperial city, she knew it was actually a trap, a conspiracy!
Min Hengzhi took advantage of her trust in him, while Chu Lian took advantage of the love of his father and mother for his children. In order to protect their children, they died under Chu Lian's knife.

But they didn't think that all the sacrifices they made were in vain, and their favorite daughter still died under Chu Lian's knife.

Fortunately, God is fair, and God gave her a chance to live again. This time, she will no longer be impulsive, and will not trust anyone again. She will rely on her own strength to walk back to the place that belongs to her step by step, and take back her life. Everything that belongs to her, rescue the young and helpless brother!
Her hands in her sleeves trembled slightly, her complexion turned pale in an instant, and her eyes were almost overflowing with sadness.

Yin Yixuan asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

She closed her eyes and opened them again after a few breaths. It was still Qi Rongyue who was as light as a chrysanthemum. She lightly shook her head: "It's okay!"

She looked around, and the guests at the tables adjacent to them had already left, so she deliberately lowered her voice: "Prince Jin was the favorite minister of the late emperor when he was in power. He is still King Jin, it seems that he really has some abilities!"

Yin Yixuan looked surprised, he didn't expect Qi Rongyue to say this to him, it was really unexpected that this kind of government affairs came out of the mouth of a girl like her.

"If King Jin doesn't have much ability, how can he stick to Jincheng? The regent really values ​​him very much, and intends to let him marry Princess Tianxin!"

Was it for Tianxin?For Chu Tianxin, sacrifice her Chu Tianyu?
It's a good deal indeed!
The faint smile on her lips gradually froze, and she suddenly picked up the wine glass on the table, and drank it up, with a heroic air in her boldness, this is the Qi Rongyue that Yin Yixuan has never seen before, To his surprise and pleasant surprise, she finally had a little emotion in front of him, although she didn't know why this emotion came from.

After being silent for a while, she suddenly said: "Today's events in the Qi Mansion will definitely cause turbulent waves, Pengcheng, don't stay for long."

Yin Yixuan seemed to realize something: "So, you want to go to Jincheng?"

She laughed again, with a touch of drunkenness, her complexion was flushed, and she was extremely beautiful.

"People go to high places, and water flows to low places. If you want to make Rongyu Hall famous all over the world, you have to go to a bigger and better place."

Yin Yixuan felt puzzled again: "Then why not just go to the capital? In the Chu Dynasty, isn't the biggest and best place?"

She smiled and said: "The road, you have to walk step by step, so that you can walk steadily and steadily, otherwise, you will easily fall into the quagmire."

Looking at Qi Rongyue with a bright smile in front of her, there seemed to be another layer of gauze covering her clear eyebrows and eyes, she could see clearly, but it seemed that she couldn't see clearly.

What kind of girl is she, and what kind of secret is hidden in her heart?
Qi Rongyue got into the carriage with a bit of drunkenness, and the carriage drove away slowly, Si Yuan couldn't help muttering: "My lord, Miss Qi said that there is a treat, but she left without paying."

Yin Yixuan smiled and said: "It's just right, let her owe it, and ask her again next time!"

Looking at the young master's smile, Si Yuan felt warm from head to toe. The young master has never been a person with a stingy smile, but most of the time his smile, like Miss Qi, is mostly perfunctory and polite, not from the heart laugh.

And at this time, the young master is smiling so brightly like the sun, that even ten thousand years of ice can be warmed by him!

(End of this chapter)

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