Chapter 151 Night Attack
At the same time, two shadows also entered Yin's mansion, they obviously stepped on the spot, came to the door of Yin Yixuan's room familiarly, and took out the pipe to blow smoke in the same way.

Yin Yixuan hadn't fallen asleep yet, and he woke up immediately after hearing a little movement. The snowy night was dark, and when he lit the lamp on the table, he saw puffs of white smoke with a faint fragrance floating in the room. He secretly The scream was not good, so he hurriedly called Si Yuan, and then covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, but it was already too late. Although the amount of smoke he inhaled was not large, it was enough to make him dizzy.

Si Yuan, who was dozing in the cubicle, heard the young master's cry, and hurriedly put on his clothes and got up. When he entered the young master's bedroom, he saw two black shadows smashing his father-in-law unconscious with a palm. Surprised, he hurriedly yelled that there was an assassin.

However, when the nursing home in the mansion arrived, the man in black had completely disappeared in the Yin mansion with the young master.

In the middle of the night, Yin's residence was in chaos.

Si Yuan was called to the study by Mr. Yin for interrogation.

"Tell me, what have you and Yixuan done these days? Who offended?"

Si Yuan was so anxious that his face turned pale, his hands and feet kept trembling, if something happened to the young master, how could he live?
"Master, you also know the son's temperament. How could he be enmity with others? It's not a thing!"

A bright light suddenly flashed in Si Yuan's mind, and he hurriedly said: "Master, I went to Qi Mansion with Young Master this morning."

Master Yin frowned: "What are you going to Qi Mansion for?"

Si Yuan told Mr. Yin everything that happened in the Qi mansion today. Originally, the young master told him not to tell, but now that something like this happened, he can't hide it.

What kind of person is Mr. Yin? He has been immersed in the officialdom and came from a deep house. Hearing Si Yuan's words, he had some calculations in his heart.

In Pengcheng, and even in Kyoto, there are definitely few people who dare to openly oppose the Yin family.

But anyone can do this kind of thing secretly. Yin Hongwei has been in the officialdom for twenty years. Although there are not a few people offended, they are all small Liangzi. This person is not a position that has any great stake in the officialdom, so the possibility of enmity because of him is very small.

Then, the only possibility is that Yixuan himself offended someone.

Mr. Yin immediately took Si Yuan and some nurses to Rongyu Hall. Not long after he entered Changxing Street, he rode a horse and saw the bright lights of Rongyu Hall from a distance. Something went wrong?

If something happened to Rongyu Hall tonight, then Qi Yongchun must have something to do with it.

Si Yuan hastily opened the door of Rongyu Hall, and saw that the guys inside were all discussing in the hall, all of them looked anxious.

Seeing Mr. Yin coming, everyone knelt down to salute Mr. Yin.

"Get up, don't be too polite, where is Miss Qi?"

A waiter hurriedly said: "Half an hour ago, two men in black broke into Rongyu Hall and kidnapped Miss Xue'er. In order to save Xue'er, Miss, she chased the kidnappers out of the city."

Sure enough, something happened, Mr. Yin calmed down the anger in his heart, and said to the guy: "Are you all dead? Let a girl go out of the city alone to chase the kidnappers, what should I do if something happens?"

The guy looked aggrieved and said: "We are going with the lady, but the lady said that it is easy to scare the snake with too many people, and we don't know kung fu, so if we go, we will die. She asked us to guard the Rongyu hall. If you come, Mr. Yin I will let you take someone to find her, she marked the road."

(End of this chapter)

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