Chapter 1520
Chapter 1536

Why is he here?What are you doing looking for the queen at this time?If Chu Tianqi is no longer Chu Tianqi, then is this Cheng Xiao still Cheng Xiao?
On weekdays, he would not miss the opportunity to find out, but today, he dare not stay any longer. This palace is no longer the previous palace, and he is not sure about doing anything here.

Cui Guanshi hurried out of the palace and returned to the mansion, and reported to Shangguantuo what he had seen and heard in the palace.

Shangguan tuo angrily smashed the teacup in his hand, "It's true, it's true."

Thinking of his sister betraying him, he was furious: "Originally, I wanted to spare her life after the incident. After all, brother and sister are together. Now it seems that there is no such need." Shangguan Tuo gritted his teeth.

Cui Guanshi stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Master Hou, what should we do now?"

Shangguan Tuo thumped the armrest by his side severely, and said angrily, "I will never let them go, not even one of them, just hold back for now, let me think about it."

I really didn't expect that Chu Tianqi's ability is not small. Under their strict monitoring, he can steal the day and change the day, hide it from him for so long, and even pretend to be sick and stupid in front of him. He really underestimated him.

After a moment of silence, Shangguantuo suddenly said: "Now that Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue are dead, and the Palace of Side-by-Shoulders does not exist, to Chu Tianqi, Zheng Nianwen is the last orphan of the Palace of Side-Shoulders. If he learns that Zheng Nianwen is in danger, he will How to do it? Can he continue to hide in the palace and be a turtle?"

"Similarly, as far as Zheng Nianwen is concerned, if there is news about her deceased relatives, can she still hide in the dark with peace of mind?"

Cui Guanshi understood, and said with a smile: "My subordinate understands what Hou Ye means, so I will do it now."

The reason why Shangguan Tuo reused Cui Guanshi so much was not only because of his loyalty, but also because of his intelligence. He could know everything by smelling it, and he knew the content without the need for his master to elaborate.

"Also, last time I asked someone to transfer [-] elite soldiers from Dongli, how is the matter going?"

Cui Guanshi said: "I have already passed the Qingyue Pass, and I can arrive in Beijing in at most three days."

A smile finally appeared on Shangguan Tuo's face: "Finally there is good news, good, very good, you go, three days later, it will be the time for my Shangguan Tuo to harvest."

Cui Guanshi immediately sent people to spread the news, to the palace to spread the news that Zheng Nianwen was arrested, to spread the news to the people that he had caught the traitor who was shoulder to shoulder with the palace, he believed, as long as.

He personally guarded the gate of the city, hidden in a carriage, closely monitored the people entering and leaving the gate, and set up a net, just waiting for the fish to catch the bait.

farm outside the city

After Mr. Wan got up early in the morning, he squatted in the yard decocting medicine as usual, when he suddenly heard Jian Yun coughing from inside the house, he quickly dropped the fan in his hand and rushed into the room.

Jian Yunpa was coughing up blood on the bedside, mouthfuls of blood poured out from her throat, her face was pale and lifeless.

His eyes were full of panic, as if he realized something, he hurriedly shouted: "Nian Wen, read Wen, come quickly."

When Zheng Nianwen, who was preparing breakfast with Luo Ji, heard Mr. Cheng's shout, the bowl in her hand slipped to the ground in shock and fell to pieces. She froze for a moment, and then rushed to the master's room like crazy.

She threw herself in front of Master's bed, tears kept falling down, and the hand that was taking Master's pulse was trembling, and she couldn't feel the pulse at all.

(End of this chapter)

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