Chapter 1532 Die together
Chapter 1548

Cui Guanshi smiled more and more complacently: "It's not that there is no movement at all, but even if there is movement, you, the emperor of dry grass, will not know."

The veins in Chu Tianqi's hand that was holding the hilt of the sword were bulging, and his face was dark, "So what if the army is transferred to the capital? How can the people of the world recognize a traitor like Shangguan Tuo as the emperor? Even if I, Chu Tianqi, died in battle today Here, Shangguan Tuo would never want to sit on the throne of our Great Chu Kingdom."

Cui Guanshi snorted coldly: "It's up to you to decide whether you can sit or not. Do it." He lowered his body, and the guards behind him surged forward like a tide, holding sharp knives, and guarding Chu Tianqi with a ferocious expression. These Min Jiajun cut off.

Wan Kun held the hands of the people around him tightly, as if he had exhausted all his strength: "Wen'er, you go, before it's too late, bury my mother for me and send my father away from the capital."

Nian Wen shook his head, with unprecedented firmness: "I won't leave, I want to be with you, even if I die in battle, I will never back down."

"Wen'er, listen to me—"

She shook her head: "I don't listen, I don't listen to anything, every time I am in danger, you always let me go, I could listen to you in the past, but this time, nothing you say is useless." She raised her sword and rushed into the room. In the battle circle, put Wan Kun behind his head.

Wan Kun had no choice but to raise his sword to meet the enemy for a week. Among the three, Wan Kun's Kung Fu was the best, followed by reciting texts. Compared with a few years ago, he has not made much progress. It may be easy to kill a few thieves, but facing the enemies flooding in front of him, he quickly lost the wind.

Wan Kun and Nian Wen guarded him from left to right, but the opponent's people seemed to be inexhaustible, pouring in continuously.

Guanshi Cui, who had been watching the battle and didn't do anything, sneered and said: "I advise you to go ahead and capture. Our [-] troops from Dongli have already entered the imperial city, and they will be able to enter the imperial palace in a short time. You people are still trying to resist ? It's ridiculous."

At this time, a guard with an anxious face rushed to report: "Master Cui, something is wrong."

Cui Guanshi frowned slightly, and hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

"Master Cui, we, our army was stopped outside the city."

"Intercepted? What do you mean? Intercepted by whom?"

"Yes, it's the Black Cavalry. I heard it's the Black Cavalry."

Hearing the name of the Black Cavalry, Cui Guanshi's complexion immediately sank, he grabbed the guard by the collar, and asked anxiously: "Is this true? Are you really the Black Cavalry?"

He had heard the reputation of the Black Cavalry Army no less than a hundred times. When Chu Lian seized the throne, Chu Tianqi was still a child with a yellow mouth. It was Zheng Zhongwen who took Chu Tianqi to Mobei to find the Black Cavalry Army left by the late emperor. The thousand black cavalry are all brave and good at fighting, and the five thousand black cavalry are invincible wherever they pass.

Don't say that [-] Dongli elite soldiers, even [-], are no match for the Black Cavalry. What's more, the [-] Dongli elite soldiers have long been exhausted after a long journey. opponent.

The guard nodded hurriedly: "Yes, it is the Black Cavalry Army. The [-] Dongli army was about to enter the city, but the Black Cavalry Army suddenly appeared and killed us by surprise. More than half of the casualties were already there. I'm afraid, I'm afraid--"

The guard couldn't continue, wondering if it was time to run for his life.

Cui Guanshi asked anxiously: "Where is Hou Ye? Where is Hou Ye now?"

(End of this chapter)

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